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Our best students are eligible to apply for one-on-one research opportunities with faculty. The Jasper Summer Research Scholars program and the Branigan Scholars Grant fund student summer research projects. These competitive experiences look great on resumes when applying to graduate schools or jobs.

  • Branigan Scholars Grant

    2023 Cathy Radko (HIST/PSYC), “Cultural Impact on Horror Video Games in Japan and the West,” (Droubie)

    2022 Marin Bultena (HIST/INTL), “Saving (some) Women: Race, Gender, and Class in Interwar Egypt, 1919-1939," (Takla)

    Adea Kukaj (INTL/POSC), “Wartime Violence Against Women: The Impact and Legacy in the Context of Kosovo,” (Nelson)

    2022 Jessica O’Brien (PSYC/POSC) “Ranked Choice Voting as a Superior Electoral System for Increasing Voter Turnout among Young Voters,” (Groarke/Jayawickreme)

    2021 Reese Hollister (HIST/INTL), “Photography, Identity, Power: William Henry Jackson and the American Colonial Gaze,” (Droubie)

    2021 Charles Ohene-Karikari (HIST), “Semper Praesens: Black People in the Roman Empire,” (Edwards)

    2020 Marshall Strawbridge (POSC), “The Impact of the Department of Justice Enforcing the NVRA,” (Groarke)

    2017 Nicholas Matson (HIST), “Movement across Borders: Digitizing and Analyzing the Windsor Civil War Census,” Branigan Scholar research program. - Credited as part of a recent submission to History of the Family journal article, forthcoming.

    2016 John Evans, “Searching for the Historicity of Arthurian Legend,” (Edwards)

    2015 Kimberly Hickey (HIST), “Before Mad Men: Portrayals of Women in Advertising, 1950-1959,” (Droubie)

    2014 Andrea Castano (HIST), "The History of Sex Trafficking and How the Past is Relevant to Today’s Policies" (Edwards)

  • Egan Award

    An award given annually for the best student essay in the liberal arts. The winning essay is published in Logos the following year.

    2023 Joshua Whipple, “How Cold War Tensions in the Far East Led to the Destruction of Korean Airlines Flight 007,” Honorable Mention

    2021 Meredith Taylor, “Imagining and Combatting the “Militant Homosexual”: Hard Borders as the Foundation and Instrument of Anita Bryant’s “Crusade,”

    2019 Reilly Rebhahn, “Daughter of the Dawn: How Blockbuster Westerns are Anti-Preservation of History.”

    2018 Victoria Thomas, “Medieval Women's Sexuality: Men's Expectations and Perceptions of It,” (Edwards)

    2018 Nicholas Matson, “Grant’s Special Message: The Rhetoric of an Unfit President,” Honorable Mention.

    2016 Courtney Canavan, “Grandstanding in the Schoolhouse Door: A Gesture of Symbolic Defiance and One Man’s Unending Pursuit of Glory.”