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Deposit Deadline Extension

The Deposit Deadline has been extended to May 15

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About Us

Researching the past offers lessons for making society stronger in the future. Understanding how power operates in society prepares students to advocate for the kind of society they want to live in. Our expert faculty are published scholars in their respective fields, and many are also highly active in local, national, and international organizations, including the United Nations. Research and hands-on learning are important parts of the experience as a history, political science, or international studies student. Debating contemporary issues, learning to do research, and writing persuasively prepares students for successful careers.

Majors & Programs

  • History

    Historians use a variety of sources to explain change over time. Considering events across centuries and around the world, they weigh evidence to make persuasive arguments about the past, and understand how it affects the present.
  • International Studies

    International Studies focuses on international relations and culture and the transnational forces that have shaped them. Social, political, economic, environmental and other complex issues extend beyond language and borders in our globalized society.
  • Political Science

    Political science is the study of power in society – on the local, national and international levels. The major equips students to understand how politics works, and to play effective roles as citizens of a democracy and of the world. It is a versatile degree which can lead to a career in politics and policy, law, nonprofit work, business, media or education.
  • Faculty

    View our full time faculty who are currently teaching in the History, Political Studies, and International Studies department.

    Meet our Faculty