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Careers for English Majors

As industry leaders and distinguished professionals all across the spectrum confirm, studying English provides top-notch career preparation. Our extensive list of accomplished alumni proves the value of an English degree to career aspirations of all kinds. As a department, we stay in touch with alumni and frequently invite them back to campus to provide unique networking and internship opportunities for our students. Our close relationship with the Office of Career Development means that you will have expert assistance in finding internships in a variety of fields while earning your degree.

Many students focus on English as a stand-alone major; many others choose it as a second major or minor to complement another field of study. Whatever you choose, studying English will strengthen your preparation for life after university, where employers eagerly look to English graduates as future leaders with high-level reading, writing and analytical skills and the ability to think independently and creatively. In short, our majors are eminently prepared to succeed professionally in an increasingly diverse, global environment.

  • Michael Gentile '03

    Photo of Michael Gentile
    Vice President, Education Sales & Marketing Penguin Random House
    "My career in publishing at Penguin Random House would simply not have been possible without the Manhattan University English major, and what has allowed me to truly excel and thrive in this industry are the MC professors.  The dedication to educating young people and making literature meaningful to their lives sits at the center of what they do, and it has stuck with me and has served my career and my life ever since.  There is no dollar amount one could assign to that. Thank you to all of those professors, both those still with us and those who live on in our memories."
  • Maria Del Russo '11

    Photo of Maria Del Russo
    Freelance Sex and Wellness Writer Regular Contributor to Elle USA, Playboy, Men's Health, and The Cut.

    "My work in English at Manhattan University has turned out to be an invaluable part of my career. (Not that I'm all that surprised by that.) As a freelance writer for such publications as Elle USA, Playboy, and Men's Health, I'm asked to produce a wide variety of stories — from long-form features to short yet punchy news hits. The amount of writing I was exposed to as part of my English minor has helped me adapt to, and become proficient in, wide-ranging styles of writing. My English classes were where I first read Joan Didion, who has become a complete inspiration for the longform essay writing I'm known for. I recently referenced Adrienne Rich, who I first read in my Modern American Lit class, in a reported piece about the orgasm gap. And I credit "The Wild Party," which I read in Contemporary American Lit, for helping me learn proper pacing in storytelling. My English classes at Manhattan University refined my writing style, and without that minor, I doubt I'd be as successful as I am today."

  • Caroline Chu '16

    Photo of Caroline Chu
    Research Analyst, Qualitative Insights at BuzzBack

    "To put it simply: I would not be able to do my job had I not studied English at Manhattan University.

    I have always had a passion for English – literature, and especially writing – but I was not sure where it would take me in terms of a career as there were so many options to choose from. At Manhattan University, I found myself spending hours poring over texts, searching for every facet of meaning, and then honing those margin scribblings and rapid-fire thoughts into a concise argument. I was enjoying every minute of it while building an invaluable skill set of critical thinking, analysis, and succinct, impactful writing. These skills are integral to all that I do as a qualitative researcher in the corporate world, where it is my job to pull apart the things that people say, identify themes, and craft story-driven reports to help inform our client’s business strategy.

    Truly skilled communicators are rare in the business world. As an English major, you develop and sharpen the skills that employers are hungry for, making you an invaluable asset no matter where you end up. In short, studying English means you arrive to the workforce several steps ahead of your other entry-level peers."


Our alumni have embarked on exciting and successful careers in an ever-widening variety of fields. Here is a sampling of our recent graduates' actual job titles:

Writing & Publishing

  • Writers at Yahoo News, Refinery 29, Babble, Bloomberg News, Newsweek, Fox Business, Vice News, Playboy, Marie Claire
  • At major publishing houses: director of publicity, VP of marketing, associate sales manager, communications director
  • Copy writers at digital marketing, publicity, and media consulting firms

Entertainment Industry

  • Television director and producer
  • Television art coordinator
  • Executive producer of a design & animation studio
  • Cast member of a Broadway musical
  • Project coordinator of a creative agency
  • Research analyst for a news website

Creative Careers in Business

  • Creative director at a brewing company
  • Strategy manager at a publicity firm
  • Director of operations at a construction company
  • Project manager at consulting firm
  • Executive director of business improvement districts
  • Principal of owner representation firm
  • Manager of accounts, strategy supervisor at a marketing firm
  • Digital creative services manager for a major outdoor clothing and gear brand
  • Assistant account executive for a major clothing brand

  • Account supervisor at a public relations firm 
  • Assistant account executive at an advertising firm
  • Multimedia coordinator for a major department store
  • Associate marketing manager for an app development firm
  • Property manager for a real estate management company
  • Digital marketing manager for a pottery brand
  • Sales operation manager for a global management consulting company
  • Group sales manager for a hospitality group
  • Tax associate for an accounting firm


  • In higher education: English professor, creative writing professor, composition professor, programs assistant, admissions counselor, learning specialist, instructional designer, student development specialist
  • In high schools: assistant principal, dean, teacher, social worker
  • Elementary school teacher
  • Librarian
  • Development manager at major library

Non-Profit and Healthcare

  • At Non-Profit Organizations: volunteer coordinator, campaign director,
    recruitment director
  • Director of programs and partnerships for a foundation
  • Assistant director of care at a mental health center
  • Director of corporate marketing for health services delivery firm
  • Senior speaker bureau coordinator at a health services firm
  • Development coordinator at a medical research center

Law and Order

  • Attorney
  • Public defender
  • Assistant district attorney
  • EMS at FDNY
  • NYPD police officer