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The James Patterson Honors Program

The mission of the James Patterson Honors Program is to provide a strong foundation in critical thinking, writing and creative problem solving to prepare top students for fulfilling careers in a wide range of industries. The program conscientiously equips Manhattan University students to be ethical, successful citizens in the real world.

A Pipeline to Success

The Patterson Honors Program at Manhattan University prepares high-achieving students to be ethical, transformative thinkers and leaders. Focusing on the career-ready development of the whole person, the Honors program fosters young people’s growth from motivated and intellectually curious college students to successful and highly connected professionals who are prepared to take on any challenge. In addition, in honor of their long-standing relationship with James Patterson, MasterClass has granted to the Manhattan University community an annual subscription to all its premium content, which includes online courses from top talent in fields ranging from business to sports to filmmaking. 

Come Build Your Story

Inspired and supported by one of Manhattan University’s most illustrious graduates, best-selling author James Patterson ’69, the Patterson Honors Program provides students with curated academic and leadership workshops, as well as professional development opportunities including internships, mentorships and research experiences.

Through the Patterson Speaker Series, students from the Honors program hear directly from leaders from varied industries and have plentiful opportunities to engage with them at events held throughout the academic year. Each Honors cohort receives enriched exposure and access to the endless possibilities of Manhattan University’s Jasper alumni network and the robust professional ecosystem of New York City.

  • Academics
    The Honors program curriculum provides Patterson Honors students with advanced and academically engaging coursework. Honors students enroll in a first-year writing and oral communication sequence concentrating on written and oral modes of presentation. Students also take at least four Honors-designated core and discipline-specific courses. Honors students take tailored, workshop-based one-credit courses on trends in industry and leadership development. In their senior year, students complete an intensive capstone or industry experience project, culminating in a presentation at the annual Honors Student Showcase.
  • Mentorship and Career Development
    Practical, hands-on experiences are a vital aspect of the Honors program. Students enjoy networking and professional development activities offered by the Office of Career Pathways. Patterson Honors students will have access to an exclusive Mentor Program track, and will be connected with multiple mentors throughout their four years, including faculty, alumni, industry leaders and student peers. The Honors program cohort will also have opportunities to attend prestigious University events, such as the biannual Horan Lecture Series, featuring groundbreaking leaders from the worlds of business, technology, athletics, architecture, healthcare, hospitality and more.
  • How to Join
    For the Patterson Honors Program’s inaugural year, top prospective students will be informed of their selection when they are admitted to Manhattan University. Current honors and otherwise outstanding students will also be invited to apply.
  • MasterClass

    In conjunction with the launch of the James Patterson Honors Program, Manhattan University is proud to announce a generous grant from MasterClass, the streaming platform that provides access to video lessons taught by the world’s best in the fields of arts and entertainment, writing, business, food, home and lifestyle, music, sports and gaming, and more.

    The grant offers current Manhattan students and employees no-cost annual memberships to the entire MasterClass platform for one year. MasterClass is offering this extraordinary educational opportunity in honor of Manhattan University alumnus James Patterson ’69, who has been a MasterClass contributor since the platform’s inception. 

    From business and leadership to photography, cooking, writing, acting, music, sports and more, MasterClass delivers a world-class online learning experience. Video lessons are available anytime, anywhere on your smartphone, personal computer, Apple TV and FireTV streaming media players.

    Memberships expire January 30, 2026.

Explore Programs at the University

Manhattan University has a wide array of academic programs perfectly suited to your passions and career goals. Explore the University's complete list of undergraduate majors and minors, and 5-year programs below:

Majors and Minors 5-Year Programs

Questions on the James Patterson Honors Program?

Contact Bridget Chalk, associate provost, at 718-862-7346 or