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School Building Leadership - M.S. Ed.

This master's degree in educational leadership prepares educators to take the examination for their New York State School Building Leader (SBL) certification.

Why Choose School Building Leadership? 

This 33-credit program is ideal for students looking to earn either an initial master’s degree in school building leadership – or, as an experienced professional, an additional master’s degree. The program lays the foundation for advanced leadership studies and doctoral work.

This master’s degree in educational leadership helps education professionals meet the New York State (NYS) certification eligibility requirements. As a school building leadership participant, you may begin courses at any point in the sequence. Diversity in knowledge and skill level allows participants to develop and practice real-world leadership skills necessary in any school.

The Leadership Experience

The M.S. Ed. in school building leadership is specifically designed for working professionals, and includes traditional and synchronous face-to-face classes plus asynchronous coursework. Most courses are offered in the later afternoon and evenings, typically between 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., to accommodate the schedules of working professionals.

The program culminates with a 6-credit internship, amounting to 400 hours of leadership experience that can be completed in the school where you are currently employed.

What Will You Learn?

As a school building leadership program graduate, you will:

  • Gain confidence as an administrator, supervisor and educator.
  • Develop your self-leadership and collaborative skills.
  • Showcase learning in periodic performance reviews and completion of course and program requirements.
  • Meet eligibility requirements to become qualified through New York State (NYS) certification.

See the Degree Requirement

Admission Requirements 

Review the requirements and application process for this graduate program.

What Will You Do?

The graduate program in school building leadership prepares candidates to fill these and other roles:

  • Assistant principals, teacher leaders, staff developers
  • Principals, headmasters, heads of school, school administrators
  • Charter school leaders, department chairs
  • Special education directors and physical education coordinators
  • Grade level, subject area, technology coordinators

Our graduates have interned and worked at: 

new york city department of education logoArchdiocese of New York logoSt Edmonds Academy logoWappingers Central School District logo

The educational leadership program at Manhattan is designed to have a balance of theory and practice. This provided me with a strong foundation as a reflective practitioner. I have taken the skills that I learned in the program and have used them in my daily work to support school leaders. The program allowed me to meet people where they are and lead them to where they need to be in order to be successful in their work as educational leaders.

Noelle Beale, ’02, ’04, Regional Superintendent, Catholic Schools of Central Westchester