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Mitchell Aboulafia

Professor, Philosophy  

salwa ammar

Salwa Ammar*

Dean, School of Business  

amira annabi

Amira Annabi

Assistant Professor, Economics and Finance

poonam arora

Poonam Arora

Assistant Professor, Management and Marketing

kirk barrett

Kirk Barrett

Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering 

cory blad

Cory Blad

Assistant Professor, Sociology

david bollert

David Bollert

Assistant Professor, Philosophy

keith brower

Keith Brower*

Dean, School of Liberal Arts

chris durante

Chris Durante

Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies

doug godsoe

Doug Godsoe

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

cheryl harrison

Cheryl Harrison*

Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies

stephen he

Stephen He

Assistant Professor, Management and Marketing

lisa juncaj

Lisa Juncaj

Associate Director, Student Financial Services

placeholder image for Walter Matystik

Walter Matystik

Associate Provost 

ghislaine mayer

Ghislaine Mayer

Assistant Professor, Biology

placeholder image for Peter McCarthy

Peter McCarthy

Assistant Professor, Education

william merriman

William Merriman*

Dean, School of Education

jordan pascoe

Jordan Pascoe

Assistant Professor, Philosophy

placeholder image for Marisa Passafiume

Marisa Passafiume

Director, Center for Academic Success

placeholder for Rani roy

Rani Roy

Director, Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement

gordon silverman

Gordon Silverman

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

andrew skotnicki

Andrew Skotnicki

Professor, Religious Studies

constantine theodosiou

Constantine Theodosiou*

Dean, School of Science  

graham walker

Graham Walker

Professor, Mechanical Engineering  

tim ward

Tim Ward*

Dean, School of Engineering  

john wilcox

John Wilcox

Director, Lasallian Studies 


* ex officio