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About Us

The Electrical & Computer Engineering Department gives you a practical education by emphasizing time in the labs with faculty and hands-on learning that culminates in a senior design capstone course. You are encouraged to pursue topics that interest you by choosing from a variety of elective courses within the department, or tailoring a research project to suit your interests and goals.

The faculty are supportive and always willing to help you explore. As an electrical or computer engineering student, you will also benefit from the network of successful alumni who work at some of the city’s best technology companies and engineering firms. They often return to campus to recruit and inspire future engineers.

Meet an Electrical Engineering Major: Nora Borsare

Although she originally wanted to be a teacher, Nora Borsare attended Manhattan College's Engineering Awareness program as a high school student, and fell in love with the hands-on field of electrical engineering.

Our Programs

The Electrical & Computer Engineering Department provides you with a hands-on, technical education that will allow you to make a difference in the way our world communicates, and transmits power and information. The department offers the following degree programs:



  • Meet our Faculty

    Our faculty are leaders in their fields. Find the complete list of faculty currently teaching in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department.
  • Faculty Emeriti in this Department

    The below is a complete list of living faculty members who retired from Electrical and Computer Engineering department and hold emeritus status:

    • Dr. Robert Borrmann, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Mansour Javid, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Thomas Mancuso, Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Romeo Pascone, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Gordon Silverman, Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Henry Stalzer Jr., Associate Professor Emeritus
    • Dr. Evriclea Voudouri-Maniati, Associate Professor Emeritus