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Welcome, Class of 2026!

It's great to see you, #Jaspers2026 and transfer students!

As you begin navigating our campus in the coming weeks, feel free to ask us anything. You may be wondering how to schedule an online or in-person academic support session, or attend an upcoming event (for that, check out our events calendar). You may need to know which Bronx restaurants accept Jasper Dollars.

Freshman year pro tip: download the Glance MU Mobile App on your phone.  

Please find a few resources below for beginning your freshman year. 

Life at Manhattan 

Jasper Nation, where are you?! In addition to its 40+ clubs and organizations on campus, Manhattan University is also a Division 1 school of student-athletes and sports fans. For students eager to make a difference in the community, there are many service and social action opportunities throughout the academic year. 

Get Involved

  • Upcoming Student Events

Ask a Jasper

Where's the best New York City pizza near Manhattan University? How do you get a campus job? What's the best food order in Cafe 1853? Manhattan University students have the answers.

Youtube-Logo-Digital_Black.jpgSubscribe to our YouTube channel for a virtual tour of Manhattan University. 

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