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Society of Physics Students

Society of Physics Students graphic

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a professional association specifically designed for students. The society helps students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community.

SPS helps members acquire skills that are necessary to flourish professionally. These include:

  • effective communication and personal interactions
  • leadership experience
  • establishing a personal network of contacts
  • presenting scholarly work in professional meetings and journals
  • outreach services to the campus and local communities

SPS was formed in 1968. Today, Manhattan University’s chapter is one of more than 700 chapters on campuses across the country. About 5,000 students take part in chapter activities each year, making SPS the fourth largest physics society in the country. Manhattan University is one of approximately 450 chapters to house its associated physics honor society, Sigma Pi Sigma.

How to Join

SPS is open to all students who have an interest in physics. For more information, contact the moderator Bart Horn, Ph.D. at