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Jazz Band

Saxophonists perform together.

Calling all brass musicians, pianists and drummers! As a member of this group, you’ll perform at various campus events throughout the year, as well as at two annual concerts — one in the fall and another in the spring.

Students may also receive College credit through the Visual and Performing Arts Department for participating in the ensemble, which performs standards of the jazz repertoire, big band and selections from the American songbook.

How to Join

Faculty, staff, alumni and students can audition for Jazz Band. Those who are interested in joining the Jazz Band must have instrumental experience, either by way of private lessons or participation in high school band. During auditions, which are held at the beginning of each semester, students will be asked to sight-read a jazz piece, play a scale of their choice, and possibly improvise the blues. Freshmen are welcome to join as long as they complete Jazz Band requirements. Contact the band at jazzband@manhattan.edu for more information.