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Epsilon Sigma Pi

University-wide honor society exclusive to Manhattan University

Epsilon Sigma Pi SealMembership in this Society is the highest scholastic honor for which undergraduates of all programs of the University are eligible. Induction into this Society requires a cumulative scholarship index not less than 3.50. The following conditions for membership are applicable:

  1. Students shall have completed six semesters with no fewer than 90 credits (including transfer credit, transient off-campus course credit, study-abroad credit, AP credit, CLEP credit, articulation or link-program credit).
  2. Transfer students have the requisite index for the number of semesters completed at Manhattan University and have the same or higher index at all other colleges or universities attended prior to matriculation at Manhattan University. Students who have transferred from a country with a different grading system will have their transcripts reviewed by the Dean to determine that the requisite index at prior institutions was achieved.
  3. Students may have no Ds or Fs on their transcripts from either Manhattan University or from any other colleges or universities attended after matriculation at Manhattan University.
  4. Admission for Fall Honors Convocation shall be granted according to the following sliding scale of GPA based on the number of semesters in residence completed at Manhattan University:
  5. semesters at manhattan gpa
    6 3.5
    5 3.6
    4 3.7
    3 3.8
    2 3.9
  6. At graduation, all students with a GPA of 3.5 or better who have fulfilled conditions 1-3 listed above shall be inducted into Epsilon Sigma Pi.
  7. Under unusual circumstances, a student who does not meet at graduation the above conditions but who seeks nomination to Epsilon Sigma Pi may petition the Provost for special consideration. The Provost shall convene a meeting of the Deans to consider the special application. Their decision shall be final.


Rani Roy, Ph.D.
Provost, Interim