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Fuerza Latina

Mural in the College's multicultural center.

Making empanadas, practicing salsa dance and learning the art of Caribbean steel drumming are just a few of the cultural traditions you'll enjoy as a member of Fuerza Latina, a club that immerses the campus community in Hispanic culture.

Each year, Fuerza Latina collaborates with Student Engagement to host Latinofest, an annual semi-formal event featuring food, music and dance native to Hispanic culture. The group also helps organize an annual event to commemorate National Hispanic Heritage Month, which extends from September through October.

How to Join

Membership in Fuerza Latina is open to any student who is passionate about Latin and Caribbean culture. Sign up at the biannual activities and volunteer fair which happens at the start of each fall and spring semester, or contact the club directly at fuerza-latina@manhattan.edu.