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Special Events

career_768.jpgThere are so many exciting things for you and your family to explore at Manhattan University.

The upcoming special events you'll find on this page offer additional, unique opportunities for you to engage with our faculty, staff, and students.

Check back soon for upcoming special events from Manhattan University Admissions, which are scheduled throughout the year. In the meantime, get to know us when you schedule an information session or campus tour:

Visit Campus

Deposit Day at Manhattan University

Boost your confidence about choosing life as a Jasper by joining us on campus Sunday, May 1, 2022:

  • Meet with a financial aid representative
  • Talk through the next steps with an admissions counselor
  • Enjoy a continental breakfast on us
  • Take a tour with a current student (or just look inside a dorm room)

There is nothing like paying your enrollment deposit in person or if you are already committed to Manhattan University, you are welcome to come explore your new home away from home.

May 1, 2022