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English-Supported Associate's Degree Program

Manhattan University's Camino Program provides native Spanish speakers an associate's degree in general studies. The program can be completed in five semesters and offers bilingual faculty and intensive language support to reinforce English skills. Small group classes with individual attention, plus academic coaching services, help to ensure student success. 

Fill out this form to hear about all the exciting benefits of the Camino program from our dean, university administrators and others!

Sebastian de Leon
The small classes gave me classmates that I knew I could count on when I was lost on a subject, and the amazing professors were always there for me. I was able to enjoy the benefits of a private college institution, and the support of the Camino staff.

Sebastian de Leon '20 Camino Program

Chiara Deschamps '24
The Camino Program has shown me all the opportunities that I can take advantage of as a student, it made me more confident in myself when I am in front of an audience, and it has made me grow both academically and personally in most aspects.

Chiara Deschamps '24 Camino Program