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2021 Financial Literacy Day

FlyerThe 2nd Financial Literacy Day will be held virtually on February 27, 2021 from 10:00 AM- 12:00 PM.  This is a FREE event that is open to both students and parents. You will learn how to manage your personal finances by reviewing topics such as budgeting, credit cards and credit scores, and student loans. To help make learning more fun and easier we will be playing interactive games and watching fun videos. Click below to register!


2020 Financial Literacy Day 

The first ever O'Malley School of Business Financial Literacy Day took place on January 25th, 2020. This event was for Manhattan College and highschool students along with their families. The goal of the event was to help raise awareness about the importance of early personal financial management.

During the event, participants played games to help them learn about budgeting, college loans, and managing credit card debt. They were also able to listen to current students speak and professors Aileen Farrelly and Amira Annabi who created the event.

How Helpful did you find this event?

15 out of 26 participants found this event very helpful. 9 participants thought this event was helpful and 2 participants thought this event was a little helpful. Every participant left the event feeling they had learned something useful.

How likely are you to Recommend this Event to a friend?

17 out of 25 participants are very likely to recommend this event to a friend while 6 participants are likely to recommend the event and 2 might recommend the event to a friend.

100% of participants would attend the event again.

Overall, the first Financial Literacy Day was a success and every person who attended the event was satisfied and left more knowledgeable.