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About Us

Distinguished by the strength of the teacher education curriculum, the faculty’s individual mentorship and instruction, and the clinical experiences, the education department prepares its students to make a difference and excel as committed educators. The Education department remains true to the Lasallian heritage to educate the whole individual and to prepare each student for the life of an educator: as a leader and a productive global citizen. Beginning in the first year of the program and ending with student teaching, students complete over 100 hours of field experiences in a variety of schools in the metropolitan area. Students experience a variety of teaching methods and resources in local districts in Bronx, NY.  These urban opportunities support the comprehensive programs of theory and practice in childhood education, adolescence education, and special education.

All of our teacher education programs lead to New York State Teacher Certification and are fully accredited by the Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP). Students in our program complete their studies in three main areas: the liberal arts core, the area of concentration and the education program courses. 

Majors and Programs

  • Adolescent Education

    Our Adolescence Education program prepares undergraduates to teach content specific courses for students in middle school and high school (grades 7-12). The downward extension option is geared for also teaching students in grades 5 and 6.
  • Childhood Education

    The Childhood Education program prepares our undergraduates to educate students in grades 1-6 in multiple subjects. This NYS certification program also offers a downward extension for birth-grade 2 and an upward extension from 5th to 9th grades
  • Special Education

    Special Education of mild and moderate disabilities is in great need in schools. Our dual certification program in general and special education prepares undergraduates to be certified as a teacher of all students from PreK- grade 12. Program completers are skilled in providing positive educational opportunities and successful outcomes for learners with exceptionalities. When completing our undergraduate program, candidates have options to be certified in 3 areas: childhood education in grades 1-6; secondary education in grades 7-12 and special education in grades PreK-12.

  • 5-year Master's in Special Education Program

    Designed for students at Manhattan University who are interested in pursuing special education certification in more specific areas of exceptionalities in elementary, secondary or all grades at the graduate level at the end of their undergraduate program. This option allows students to apply at the beginning of their junior year and complete up to 12 credits of coursework as undergraduates toward their master's degree.