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President's Report


    To the Manhattan College Community —

    As we approach the close of a decidedly difficult year — one that has been challenging and even painful for so many — we at Manhattan remain profoundly grateful to our entire College community. Thanks to your faith and commitment, our campus continues to serve as a powerful beacon of opportunity for our hard-working students. 

    In this issue of our President’s Report, we are pleased to share the many accomplishments that have distinguished life and learning at Manhattan this past year. Impressive as always, the success of our faculty, students, staff and alumni is more uplifting than ever. Confronting the pandemic, our College community has remained resolute in its dedication to our unique Lasallian Catholic educational mission — one we hold in sacred trust for current and future generations of Jaspers.

    Given the volatile reality of COVID-19, our safe return to campus this fall has been a considerable achievement itself. From the start, our faculty, administrators and staff diligently monitored the pandemic’s course. Working with state and local authorities, we explored effective responses to likely scenarios. And we formed our comprehensive Return to Campus Task Force, comprising experts from across all campus disciplines. An advisory committee of distinguished alumni leaders, including members of our board of trustees, also guided these efforts.

    Laboring throughout the summer, we developed a blueprint for a timely return to campus. New protocols covered personal protective equipment and social distancing in common areas; virtual complements to services and activities; and innovative hybrid courses combining online and on-site study. We implemented a rigorous system of testing and contact-tracing. Key to our success has been our students’ strong commitment to the vision and values of our One Manhattan/Jaspers Return program, fulfilling their pledge to protect themselves and one another by wearing masks, avoiding indoor gatherings, maintaining safe distance, and practicing effective hygiene. Thanks to all of these efforts, we have maintained throughout our return an infection rate well below state and local levels.

    Enabled by such measures, our academic community continues the outstanding work begun last semester. One example: we extended our Summer Research Program, allowing participants to resume the scholarly studies that were interrupted when laboratories and other facilities were temporarily closed. Guided by their professors, our students continue to create knowledge across all disciplines.

    Reflecting this, Manhattan earned inclusion among top colleges and universities in producing the most 2019-20 Fulbright students. We also retained our prominence in major college rankings. For example, this was the seventh consecutive year that Manhattan earned a place in Money’s listing of U.S. colleges and universities in terms of alumni outcomes — eighth among 50 leading institutions that garner high graduation rates and earnings.

    Encouraging? Absolutely. Yet I would be remiss if I failed to note the formidable difficulties ahead. COVID-19 landed a severe blow. At Manhattan, pandemic-related disruptions exacted a toll on our resident population. Although long-term projections remain good, the near-term drop in room and board revenue is requiring us to employ significant cost-cutting measures.

    Amid these challenges, we at Manhattan remain confident — with good reason. As our strategic plan, Renewing the Promise, notes, our College continues to offer a truly unique academic experience supported by three strong pillars: our Distinctive Heritage, Distinctive Learning Environment, and Distinctive Learning Dynamic. In the pages that follow, we are pleased to provide just a few highlights of the kind of accomplishments that drive Manhattan’s ever-stronger reputation for excellence, with special focus on the work that demonstrates our pursuit of the major goals of our strategic plan.

    Our faculty, staff, alumni and friends evince an uncommon commitment to our Lasallian Catholic mission, which shapes so many young lives. And of course, there are our students — supremely talented young men and women who enlarge the narrative of success scripted by their distinguished predecessors. On their behalf, I thank you again for all you do to keep this legacy strong.

    Brennan O'Donnell



    “We will advance learning by ensuring the vitality and visibility of our distinctive core identity as Catholic and Lasallian throughout the College.”

    In pursuing this first core goal, Manhattan College strives to ensure that its Lasallian Catholic heritage is vital and visible throughout its academic, cocurricular and extracurricular programs.

    • Manhattan College hosted a gathering of local Lasallian ministries last November to celebrate a decade of mission as the District of Eastern North America (DENA), which was formed on September 9, 2009. Gathering virtually and in-person at the College and in different cities throughout DENA’s geographic expanse, Lasallians celebrated their accomplishments while acknowledging that there is more to be done to serve the most vulnerable young people in our society through this 300-year-old mission of education. Led by Brother Robert Schieler, FSC, superior general of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, the association celebration was livestreamed from La Salle University. Brother Robert called on all Lasallians to reflect on their vocation as educators during the Jubilee Year, as designated by Pope Francis and the Catholic Church.
    • In June, Manhattan College sponsored the Lasallian Association of Colleges and Universities’ virtual panel on Responding to Racism: A Lasallian Dialogue. In collaboration with the Office for Lasallian Education at Christian Brothers Conference, DENA, the Midwest District, and the District of San Francisco New Orleans, the discussion was an initiative of the six Lasallian colleges and universities throughout the Lasallian Region of North America. It is a continuation of the work of the annual Lasallian Higher Education Colloquy on Racial Justice, which started in 2017 and has published the first-ever Mission Mandated Lasallian Vision for Racial Justice. Panelists included Hayden Greene, director of Multicultural Affairs and the coordinator for the Multicultural Center at Manhattan College.
    • The Holocaust, Genocide and Interfaith Education (HGI) Center hosted an exhibit of the Lea and Herman Ziering Archive Collection in the O’Malley Library last fall. The Zierings were Holocaust survivors who sought justice for its perpetrators, with Herman serving as vice president of the Society of Survivors of the Riga Ghetto and as a member of the Anti-Defamation League’s task force on Nazi war criminals. Items featured in the exhibit included a concentration camp uniform from the Riga Ghetto, letters alerting officials to the activities of the Nazis during World War II, and a postwar letter from Winston Churchill. The exhibit’s public opening featured a talk by Abe Foxman, the national director of the Anti-Defamation League from 1987 to 2015.
    • In the spring, five faculty members from four different schools were recruited for the 2020 Community Engaged Learning (CEL) Faculty Development Seminar cohort. This is the fourth cohort of faculty to participate in the seminar, which consisted of a series of virtual workshops in May and June designed to help practitioners of CEL grow in their professional practice. The faculty demonstrated their new grasp of CEL methodology by designing or redesigning a course that reflected service-learning theory and pedagogy; principles of ethical and effective community engagement; and intercultural effectiveness and humility. As a result of the seminar, five new CEL courses were developed, to be run in either the 2020 or 2021 academic years.
    • The fifth annual Community Partner Summit networking event for faculty and local community partner organizations was held in November 2019. The event brought together 28 community partners, representing 17 different community partner organizations, and 32 faculty and administrators from the College. Adam Arenson, professor of history and director of the Urban Studies program at Manhattan College, discussed his Community Engaged Learning history course, Slavery in the Bronx.
    • During the 2019-20 academic year, 47 CEL courses were held, a 62% increase since 2018-19. A total of 677 students enrolled in these courses, a 57% increase since the 2018-19 academic year, and 30 faculty members taught a CEL course in 2019-20, a 30% increase since 2018-19. Out of the 30, nine faculty members participated in the CEL faculty development seminar in the past four years.
    • The Lasallian Outreach Collaborative (LOCo) program and the Community-Engaged Federal Work-Study (FWS) program continued to expand opportunities for Manhattan College students to engage in the local community. During the 2019-20 academic year, 99 individual students participated in the LOCo program, committing to engagement with a local nonprofit on a weekly basis. LOCo includes students participating in a volunteer capacity, as well as the students hired to work at local nonprofit organizations as part of the FWS program. In fall 2019, there were 48 total participants: 22 students were involved in the FWS program, and 26 volunteered through LOCo. In spring 2020, 84 students participated: 53 through FWS, and 31 through LOCo. About 20 of the FWS positions were transitioned to remote work experiences during the pandemic, enabling students to continue their work with local community-based and nonprofit organizations in a virtual space.
    • The diverse array of community engagement options offered in 2019-20 included opportunities with Concourse House Shelter for Women and Children; the Ethical Culture Society and the Bayit Synagogue Emergency Shelters; Fordham-Bedford Community Services; God’s Love We Deliver; Kingsbridge Heights Community Center; Methodist Home for Nursing and Rehabilitation; Part of the Solution (POTS); the University Neighborhood Housing Program; the Northwest Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition; Riverdale Neighborhood House; the Bronx River Alliance; the Bronx Chamber of Commerce; and the Van Cortlandt Park Alliance, among others.
    • In 2019-20, the Service on Saturday program had 10 events, with an average of seven participants at each event. Two events were canceled due to COVID-19, but 56 students engaged in the program, with 74 attendees throughout the 10 events.
    • During this past academic year, 33 students participated in the Activism Excursion program, which is designed to give students a chance to observe and participate in social justice activism taking place in and around New York City. Before COVID-19 necessitated the cancellation of planned activities, two events were held: a climate strike in September 2019, in which 25 students joined, and the Action Corps Annual Community Meal in October 2019, with eight students in attendance. Excursions are one-time opportunities that range from lectures and museum exhibits to protests and advocacy actions.
    • The Mission Month Day of Service transitioned online in 2020 for a Mission Month Day of Advocacy in partnership with the Ignatian Solidarity Network. During the day, 55 students, 20 student clubs and eight campus departments shared information about their participation on Instagram. In addition, 46 Manhattan College community members participated in advocacy action through the Ignatian Solidarity Network.
    • The Campus Ministry and Social Action (CMSA) Social Justice Leadership Training Retreat was held in August 2019 and had 16 student participants. Under the theme Insight, Leadership and Action, the retreat focused on antiracism education. Students were asked to reflect on their identities, their position in relation to power, privilege and oppression, and to share a commitment to establishing a more inclusive campus by acquiring tools to confront and disrupt social injustice.
    • While travel restrictions affected volunteer service opportunities during the COVID-19 pandemic, one Jasper accepted a new service post and two others continued theirs. August Kissel ’20 joined the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in the Hood River and Odell communities of Oregon. He serves as a community liaison at a nonprofit immigration law firm. Kaiyun Chen ’19 and Sam Wilson ’19 are pursuing an additional year of service with the Lasallian Volunteers.
    • Manhattan College was named a top school for service by the Catholic Volunteer Network (CVN). The distinction highlights the work of Campus Ministry and Social Action, specifically in connecting college students with postgraduate service opportunities nationally. The CVN fosters and promotes full-time domestic and international faith-based volunteer service opportunities for people of all ages, backgrounds and skills.
    • CMSA and the new campus-wide Voter Engagement Committee brought five students to the Eastern Pennsylvania Student Voting Summit at the University of Pennsylvania in February. The Voter Engagement Committee is composed
      of faculty, staff and students, with the aim of increasing voter engagement among students.
    • This year, Lasallians in Faith Together (LIFT) continued to offer retreats, welcoming 45 students to the fall 2019 Kairos Retreat and 35 seniors to the Senior Retreat in February. In fall 2019, a record-breaking 45 participants took part in the New Students Retreat, an overnight experience that focuses on the five points of the Lasallian star while introducing new students to the Lasallian charism.
    • Peer Ministry continued to grow in 2019-20, with a small faith-sharing group meeting weekly for 90 minutes to discuss matters of God, vocation, relationships and choices. Peer Ministry is student-led and attended by approximately 15 students, with hopes to grow in the near future.
    • Approximately 65 students and staff attended the February Agape Latte, a monthly speaker series program that provides a safe, social environment for students who want to learn more about how faith applies to real-life questions. Chemical engineering professor Patrick Abulencia spoke about balancing his faith, family, career and passion for engineering in a talk entitled Towards Equilibrium. Later in the spring, Agape Latte moved to a digital format in a series of online fireside chats entitled Caffeinated Cyber Conversations. In April and May, past speakers provided reflections on their experiences in quarantine and managing stress, family and career in the middle of a pandemic. These videos premiered every Thursday night on CMSA’s Instagram TV page. The most popular video accumulated more than 300 views and can be viewed on the department’s YouTube page.
    • During the 2020 winter break, 18 students, five student leaders and three advisers participated in LOVE Social Justice Immersion Experiences in New Orleans, Louisiana; Flint, Michigan; and El Paso, Texas. In preparation for each experience, student leaders held weekly meetings to discuss issues of identity, power, privilege, oppression and social justice with their team members. The LOVE Social Justice Immersion Experience in New Orleans, which had been revamped this past January, taught participants about
      disaster relief, climate change, racial justice and mass incarceration by meeting with grassroots and nonprofit community partners.
    • In the spring, several CMSA student leaders conducted weekly wellness check-ins on Instagram Live. Every Wednesday from March through May, the leaders coordinated online reflections and meditations for students, which averaged more than 100 views in the 24-hour live periods.
    • The College continued its Catholic Relief Services Global Campus Project in 2019-20. Campus ambassadors met with Congressman Eliot Engel at his office in August for a brief district advocacy visit to follow up on migration issues addressed at a larger meeting with him in the spring.
    • During Fair Trade Month in October 2019, Manhattan celebrated its role as a Fair Trade College. The College welcomed four major speakers and held outreach events. These included a discussion by David Schilling, director of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, who spoke about his work to counter human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Sal Santuccio ’13, co-founder of Hudson Roasters, and his business partner Bernadette Gerrity, discussed starting their successful coffee roasting business, and how they have incorporated Fair Trade practices and principles into their business model.
    • Students were offered the opportunity to engage in a number of spiritual excursions with the Riverdale Interfaith Community during the 2019-20 academic year. Among the excursions were an interfaith celebration of Tashlich with the Riverdale Temple, which called for migration justice along the Southern border of the United States; an interfaith meal and celebration at the Riverdale Temple that focused on interfaith cooperation toward achieving neighborhood climate justice; and an interfaith Thanksgiving gathering at the Riverdale Presbyterian Church.
    • Ten Manhattan College students traveled to Washington, D.C., in November for the 22nd annual Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice. The group advocated for environmental and social justice issues such as climate change and immigration reform. It was the College’s fifth appearance at the annual teach-in. The Manhattan group was joined by 25 other representatives from Lasallian universities and agencies across the country. They collaborated with other students and organizers to demonstrate the Lasallian tradition’s strong commitment to social justice.
    • The Lasallian Women and Gender Resource Center (LWGRC) spearheaded a full slate of well-attended events for Women’s History Month. These included the Women and Gender Studies annual lecture by Gayatri Gopinath, director of Gender and Sexuality Studies at New York University, who spoke on Suspension, Deviation, Unruliness: An Introduction to Unruly Visions: The Aesthetic Practices of Queer Diaspora; a Take Back the Night keynote address by poet Rachel McKibben; and a talk by Clare Bruff, senior manager of leadership development and diversity at the American Society of Mechanical Engineering, entitled How to Lead in
      the Workplace — Before You Have a Leadership Role.
    • Earlier in the academic year, the LWGRC held Wellness Week, a student-led series of events that focused each day on a different facet of wellness. Physical, mental, spiritual and financial well-being were stressed in events that ranged from a journaling workshop to yoga classes to a talk by Stephanie Powell, adjunct professor of religious studies: The Body Talks: Spiritual Distress and Identity Formation. Rachel Cirelli, director of career development, gave a presentation titled Slice of Social Justice: Stepping into Your Power in the Workplace and led a workshop on salary negotiation. Various events throughout the week were co-sponsored by the Counseling Center, Fitness Center, office of Career Services, Catholic Studies and CMSA.
    • The Rev. James Martin, S.J., a Jesuit priest, author and editor-at-large at America, the national Catholic magazine, joined religious studies professor Natalia Imperatori-Lee for a conversation on how to foster a stronger relationship between the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community. Part of the Agitating in the Charism lecture series, the event was sponsored by the Catholic Studies program, the Religious Studies department, Campus Ministry and Social Action, and LWGRC. A consultor for the Vatican’s Secretariat for Communication, Fr. Martin is a frequent commentator in the national media about contemporary issues in the Catholic Church and has published several books.
    • Priya Varanasi ’22, a double major in peace and justice studies and political science, has been named one of 290 Newman Civic Fellows, recognized for their commitment to solving public problems. Varanasi is a community affairs liaison for New York State Senator Alessandra Biaggi. The Newman Civic Fellowship is a year-long program for students from Campus Compact member institutions. The students selected for the fellowship are leaders on their campuses who demonstrate a commitment to finding solutions for challenges facing communities locally, nationally and internationally.







    “We will advance learning by fostering student engagement and integrated learning through our distinctive environment on campus, in New York City, and with our international networks.”

    Core goal two challenges Manhattan College to capitalize on its position as a residential college in New York City.

    • Manhattan College received a second grant from the Higher Education Capital Matching Grant Program (HECap) board to support the fourth phase of renovations to Leo Hall. The HECap board provided matching grants to 35 private, nonprofit colleges and universities in New York for projects that provide critical funding, create prevailing wage construction jobs, and drive investment in communities across the state. New York’s private, not-for-profit colleges and universities generate $88.8 billion in economic impact annually and support more than 415,000 jobs statewide. The renovations to Leo Hall are part of an overhaul of the College’s south campus.
    • The College has joined the NYC Media Lab, a consortium that facilitates collaboration between the city’s institutions of higher education, corporate members and the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment and New York City Economic Development Corporation. Maeve Adams, associate professor of English and director of the Digital Arts and Humanities program, serves as a liaison between the College and the NYC Media Lab, and helps students and faculty to identify programs and opportunities that will benefit them. The NYC Media Lab aims to generate research and development, knowledge transfer, and talent across all of the city’s campuses.
    • Amira Annabi and Aileen Farrelly, two faculty members in the O’Malley School of Business, hosted a full-day financial literacy workshop on campus in January. The event was open to high school students and their parents, as well as the entire Manhattan College community. The day featured activities and games that raised awareness about the importance of early personal financial management, with segments focused on budgeting, student loans and banking accounts. The workshop comes as a result of a grant that Manhattan College received from the New American Colleges and Universities.
    • Robert Sharp, the Donald J. O’Connor Endowed Faculty Fellow of Environmental Engineering, and Jeanette Brown, research assistant professor in civil and environmental engineering, connected undergraduate and graduate students with New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the environmental services company Waste Management, and consulting firms last summer. Their goal was to advance the OneNYC Plan, New York City’s plan to become the most resilient, equitable and sustainable city in the world. Sharp and his civil and environmental engineering students have worked on various waste-to-energy projects, including a large-scale study at the Newtown Creek water resource recovery facility in Brooklyn that seeks to increase energy production via co-digestion of food waste. The project was funded by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and is a partnership between Manhattan College, NYC DEP and Waste Management.
    • The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has provided a $30,000 grant to Manhattan College’s Engaging, Empowering, Educating Means Change (E3MC) program, a religious studies course where traditional undergraduate students and incarcerated students take the course together within a correctional facility. The Sloan Foundation funded E3MC as part of its New York City Program, created to support city-based projects that advance the foundation’s mission to support research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and economics. The grant has allowed the College to hire a part-time social worker to work with the E3MC program, managed by Andrew Skotnicki, professor of religious studies.
    • For the past decade, Manhattan College accounting students in the O’Malley School of Business have volunteered at the University Neighborhood Housing Program (UNHP) to help fellow Bronxites prepare their tax returns during February and March. This year, nearly 40 Jaspers worked with other college students from across the Bronx to assist neighbors with their annual tax returns. Since 2010, student volunteers have filed taxes for more than 12,000 families at UNHP through the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, known as VITA. In 2019, Manhattan College students worked with the program’s volunteers to prepare more than 1,500 returns and helped Bronx residents receive more than $2 million in state and federal refunds.
    • Voter turnout among Manhattan students increased 14 percentage points in the 2018 federal midterm elections, compared to 2014, earning them a Bronze Award earlier this year from the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge, sponsored by the National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement. Bronze Awards went to campuses with 20-29% voter participation in the 2018 midterm elections, when voter turnout is historically lower than for presidential elections. In the 2018 elections, 22% of Manhattan College students voted, compared to 8% who voted in 2014. The College’s voter turnout in the 2016 presidential election was 44.9%. The ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge is a nonpartisan, national initiative recognizing and supporting campuses to increase nonpartisan democratic engagement and full student voter participation.
    • The St. Patrick’s Day Foundation honored Manhattan College’s Pipes and Drums band and the Gaelic Society for their performances in the 2019 New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The Pipes and Drums band took home second place in the High School and College Pipes and Drums category, and the Gaelic Society received third place among all colleges and universities that participated in the parade. More than 300 Manhattan College students, alumni, family and friends marched up Fifth Avenue alongside the Pipes and Drums band in March 2019.
    • Evangelia Ieronymaki, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering, and Cara Cao ’20, a civil engineering major, have been using predictive models to establish how human behavior causes subway delays. Their data focused on tracking how often individuals hold the subway doors and those effects on arrival times for the No. 1 train route that runs from Manhattan College to South Ferry at the southern end of Manhattan. In January, Ieronymaki and Cao presented their research at the annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, in Washington, D.C. The meeting, known as the world’s largest transportation research conference, covers all transportation issues, with 5,000 presentations in more than 800 sessions.
    • Despite the onset of COVID-19 resulting in the closing of residence halls in March 2020, Residence Life was on target to achieve multiple goals for the 2019-20 academic year. To create a vibrant and engaging community on their floors, residence assistants led 555 programs with an attendance total of 7,650. These programs include social gatherings, educational events, service activities, trips within the city, and events sponsored by other offices on campus. Residence Life continued to focus on providing exciting events in the city, offering 38 programs with participation from 324 students.
    • The Arches Learning and Living Community welcomed 214 students for the 2019-20 academic year from an applicant pool of 318. In August, the Arches’ Opening Week events provided new students with activities to engage with faculty and get to know their fellow classmates.
    • After a successful Residence Life recruitment campaign in the spring 2020 semester, approximately 160 candidates applied for 40 residence assistant positions for the 2020-21 school year.
    • According to a survey of 2019 graduates by the Office of Career Pathways, data for career outcomes for 2012-19 graduates shows modest increases in positive career outcomes over time and decreases in those still seeking or not pursuing. This year, there were slightly larger groups still seeking and not pursuing versus the past four years, likely due to COVID-19, but overall there have been small decreases since 2012.
    • Of the 2019 graduates surveyed, 85% reported that they are employed or in graduate school, and 89% of those reporting that they accepted employment indicated they are employed full-time (including those enrolled in graduate school and working). For those that reported being employed full time, 87% reported that their employment is related to their field of study, and 88% indicated that it is in their desired industry.
    • 18% of graduates from the class of 2019 are enrolled in graduate school, and 9% are in graduate school and working at the same time. In addition, 55% of those going to graduate school continued their studies at Manhattan College.
    • 15% of graduates were still seeking or not pursuing employment or graduate school, an increase of 5% from the graduates of 2018, likely due to the pandemic.
    • 47% of the class of 2019 reported participation in volunteer, community service, advocacy and/or civic engagement activities during their time at Manhattan College. Those that participated in service were less likely to still be seeking employment (10% vs. 15%) and more likely to be in graduate school. Approximately 33% of the 2019 graduates that participated in service indicated that it affected their career plans.
    • The median base salary of 2019 graduates is $50,000-$60,000 for students working full-time, and the average salary from individual reported salaries is $59,450.
    • 72% of students reported having at least one internship while at the College, and 85% had at least one career-related experience.
    • Engineering topped the list of industries in which 2019 graduates are employed, with 32% of students accepting employment in this area. Another 20% entered the business, consulting, finance and accounting fields, while 14% are in media, communications, marketing, advertising and public relations. Approximately 7% of 2019 graduates are working in education. In addition, about 5% of graduates accepted public service jobs in government, advocacy roles or fellowships in service, including AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, Lasallian Volunteers and the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.
    • The top employers list includes Con Edison, JPMorgan Chase, New York City Department of Education, Turner Construction and NBC Universal, among many others. Each of these top companies hired two or more Manhattan graduates, often through Office of Career Pathways recruiting forums, including on-campus recruiting, career fairs and information sessions.
    • When asked how graduates obtained employment, 44% indicated it was through a Manhattan College resource.
    • 21% of the 2019 graduating class participated in the Mentor Program. One of the Center for Career Development’s core programs, it matches students with alumni for a year of mentorship, with 91% of participants reporting a positive career outcome.
    • The Office of Career Pathways also managed to host its key summer programs during this challenging job market. The W.I.S.E. (Women Influencing Successful Enterprise) program went virtual and continued to engage some of the College’s most exceptional students. The office also added timely programming, such as the Manhattan College Micro Internship Program, which offered smaller, project-based opportunities to students who lost their summer internships.
    • Academic excellence was again a hallmark of Manhattan College Athletics. A total of 215 Manhattan student-athletes garnered inclusion on the 2019-20 MAAC Academic Honor Roll, the fourth-highest number in the league. To be eligible, a student-athlete must attain a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher on a 4.0 scale. The cumulative department GPA was 3.49, with 55
      student-athletes earning a 4.0, and 67% of student-athletes earning Dean’s List honors. All 19 teams had team GPAs of at least 3.1, while women’s softball and men’s basketball earned the highest team GPAs, at 3.76 and 3.51, respectively.
    • For the second straight year, Manhattan College posted the highest Graduation Success Rate (GSR) score among MAAC schools, with an overall score of 98%, according to the NCAA. The Jaspers also registered a perfect 100% GSR across a league-high 12 sports. Division I established the GSR to provide a metric that measures the success of student-athletes more accurately than the federal graduation rate. The MAAC posted a GSR of 91%, two points higher than this year’s national average of 89%.
    • Thirteen members of the women’s rowing team have been honored by the Collegiate Rowing Coaches Association with 2020 Scholar Athlete Awards. To be eligible, a student-athlete must have had a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher for her career, be in at least her second year of eligibility, and rowed in a NCAA or Intercollegiate Rowing Association eligible boat for a minimum of 75% of the season. Seven seniors, five juniors and one sophomore earned the distinction.
    • Manhattan topped the MAAC and placed 33rd among all Division I schools in community service hours this past year, according to HelperHelper, an official NCAA volunteer management tracking system. Men’s lacrosse had the most community service hours (369) among Division I schools, placing fourth nationally and at the top of the MAAC. This included the team’s partnership with Team Impact, a nonprofit organization that connects children facing serious or chronic illnesses with college athletic teams. Women’s basketball placed fifth nationally and first in the conference, while women’s lacrosse, rowing and men’s cross country and track and field all placed sixth nationally for their respective sports. All five teams earned 100% participation.
    • The women’s lacrosse team named 11 student-athletes to the 2019 Intercollegiate Women's Lacrosse Coaches Association Zag Sports Division I Academic Honor Roll. To be eligible for this honor, student-athletes must be a junior, senior or graduate student and have earned a cumulative academic GPA of 3.50 or greater. The 11 student-athletes represent the second-highest number of honorees from the nine MAAC schools that sponsor women’s lacrosse.
    • Off the field, the women’s lacrosse team helped mentor the next generation of lacrosse players by hosting a clinic for Bronx Lacrosse at Gaelic Park. Bronx Lacrosse works with students year-round to improve their lacrosse skills along with their attendance in school in order to increase their academic success. The program saw 100% of participating eighth graders pass all four major content areas and graduate from middle school on time.
    • Three men’s basketball seniors — Jesse Boyce ’20, Tyler Reynolds ’20 and Pauly Paulicap ’20 — were named to the 2020 MAAC All-Championship Team. The trio joined senior participants from the 10 other MAAC schools who saw their playing careers end prematurely due to COVID-19. In the Jaspers’ two games, Paulicap averaged 15 points, 12 rebounds and two blocks per game. Reynolds averaged six points per game while converting on 4-of-7 from long range over the two games.
    • Adriana Gambino ’20 (softball) and Pamela Miceus ’20 (women’s basketball) were nominated for the 2020 NCAA Woman of the Year award. The award was established in 1991 to recognize graduating female student-athletes who have distinguished themselves in academics, athletics, service and leadership throughout their collegiate careers. Gambino and Miceus were among 259 nominees from Division I. Both student-athletes are members of several honor societies, including Epsilon Sigma Pi, and were finalists for the Gunn Medal for the class of 2020.
    • Gambino also was chosen as one of 30 NCAA Division I athletes to contend for the 2020 Senior CLASS Award (Celebrating Loyalty and Achievement for Staying in School). The award focuses on the total student-athlete and encourages students to use their sports platform to make a positive impact as leaders in their communities. To be eligible, a student-athlete must be an NCAA Division I senior with notable achievements in four areas of excellence: community, classroom, character and competition. A civil engineering major, Gambino had a 3.98 GPA and was selected to the 2019 Google Cloud Academic All-District First Team, among other accomplishments.
    • The golf and softball teams were cited by the NCAA for their impressive performance in the classroom, earning Public Recognition Awards for their academic progress rate (APR) from the governing body. The APR is an annual scorecard of academic achievement calculated for all Division I sports teams. It measures eligibility, graduation and retention each term while providing a clear picture of the academic performance for each team in every sport. Public Recognition Awards are given to those teams that rank among the top 10% in their sports. This is the seventh-straight Public Recognition Award for the golf team, while the softball team was honored for the sixth consecutive year.
    • The men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams were selected as Scholar All-Americans by the College Swimming & Diving Coaches Association of America for fall 2019. In order to receive this recognition, a team must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. The men’s program earned a cumulative 3.33 GPA in the previous semester, which was the highest GPA for a men’s team at Manhattan College in the fall semester. The women’s program collectively tallied a 3.22 GPA.
    • The track and field team collected three individual titles at the 2020 Metropolitan Indoor Championships. Anu Awonusi ’21 won the men’s shot put, hitting a distance of 16.99 meters — the MAAC’s top performance of the year. Enrique Martinez ’21 won the indoor title for the men’s weight throw, while Andria Scaglione ’23 won the women’s 3,000-meter race.
    • Women’s basketball point guard Emily LaPointe ’23 was unanimously named the MAAC Rookie of the Year at the league’s annual postseason awards show on March 11. An eight-time Rookie of the Week honoree this season, LaPointe is the third Jasper to earn Rookie of the Year honors and the first unanimous selection in program history. LaPointe led the Jaspers in scoring with 12.5 points per game this season, ranking 13th in the league.
    • Francois Dulysse ’21, men’s soccer defender, has been named to the roster for the Haitian National Under-23 team. A transfer student, Dulysse credits his move to the MAAC and Manhattan as a key aspect of preparing him for international play.
    • During a January 2020 women’s basketball game vs. Niagara, the Jaspers welcomed representatives and children from the Fresh Air Fund to honor the work of the organization, which provides life-changing summer experiences for children from New York City’s underserved communities. A ceremony was held in memory of Lesandro “Junior” Guzman-Feliz, a young victim of gang violence, in whose name the Fresh Air Fund recently created Camp Junior. Jasper guard D’yona Davis ’22 participated in the Fresh Air Fund program for several summers as
      a child.
    • The fourth annual Jasper Academic and Sports Performance Yearly Showcase (JASPYS), which celebrates the College’s 19 Division I athletic programs, were held virtually this year. The male and female Iron Jasper Awards went respectively to Luke Hanson ’20 (men’s lacrosse) and Kate Sexton ’21 (women’s rowing). Male and female Student-Athlete of the Year awards went to Anu Awonusi ’21 (men’s track and field) and Courtney Warley ’21 (women’s basketball). Other awards were bestowed in categories including Unsung Heroes and Cheerleading and Dance Team Spirit.
    • The newly established Gaelic Park Athletic Center (GPAC) in Robert Mahan Hall officially opened for the 2019-20 academic year. The facility, which includes locker rooms, office space and a training room, is home to the Jasper teams competing at Gaelic Park. The campaign for the GPAC kicked-off in 2018 in an effort to enhance the student-athlete experience for five of Manhattan’s outdoor sports — including men’s and women’s lacrosse, men’s and women’s soccer, and softball — that previously did not have a dedicated space. Located across from Gaelic Park along Tibbett Avenue, the facility also features a state-of-the-art athletic training room and a multipurpose lounge area.
    • The baseball team will soon be able to play home games steps from campus at Van Cortlandt Park, which was the team’s home field until the 2014 season. In preparation for the Jaspers return, the College has worked with the New York City Parks Department to aerate and overseed the outfield, replace and upgrade the infield, renovate the existing fencing and install new dugouts. The College continues to work with the Parks Department and the various permit holders to address maintenance and future ballpark enhancements.
    • The College broadcasted all 27 home basketball games at Draddy Gymnasium on ESPN’s streaming services, beginning with the women’s basketball team’s game against Duquesne in November 2019. Students in Manhattan’s sports media production concentration were part of the game-day crew producing each contest. Since the start of the spring 2019 semester, students have been learning techniques for producing a live, high-definition, multicamera event from a remote location. In the mobile production unit, students are working with a Ross Carbonite switcher, Ross Xpression graphics, Envivo replay and audio controls for a broadcast with 4K capability. 

    PayScale ranks Manhattan College in the top 3% of more than 1,500 colleges and universities in its College Salary Report

    The typical median early career salary for a Manhattan graduate is $64,000, while the typical mid-career salary is $125,700, according to PayScale 85% of 2019 graduates report that they are employed or in graduate school

    Manhattan students earned a Bronze Award from the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge for increasing their voter turnout by 14 percentage points in the federal midterm elections

    For the second straight year, Manhattan College posted the highest Graduation Success Rate score among MAAC schools, with an overall score of 98 percent, as released by the NCAA



    “We will advance learning through the distinctive dynamic of our integration of liberal arts and professional disciplines throughout the College.”

    Goal three underscores the value of the College’s combination of a large university’s curriculum with the person-centered learning of a liberal arts college, which challenges students to become educated both in depth and breadth.

    • Manhattan College announced the public launch of its capital campaign, Invest in the Vision: The Campaign for Manhattan, at the annual President’s Dinner in September 2019. Invest in the Vision is a historic $165 million campaign to secure and strengthen the College’s educational mission at a time of unprecedented technological, social and economic change. The top three priorities are: enhancing facilities on the College’s north and south campuses; growing endowment for scholarships and faculty development; and securing unrestricted support for academic programming and student support services.
    • Manhattan College made the list of U.S. colleges and universities that produced the most 2019-20 Fulbright U.S. students. Each year, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs announces the top-producing institutions for the Fulbright Program, the U.S. government’s flagship international educational exchange program. Natalia Alvarez ’19, Alia Flanigan ’19 and Emily Hay ’19 earned Fulbright English Teaching Assistant awards during the 2019-20 academic year. Alvarez is currently teaching English in Brazil. Both Flanigan and Hay are teaching English in Malaysia. It was the first time that more than one Manhattan College student has received a Fulbright award during an academic year.
    • During the last week in September 2019, 58 students gave presentations on the research they conducted during the summer in a variety of fields of study. The Jasper Summer Research Scholars program is managed through the Center for Graduate School and Fellowship Advisement. Students are chosen based on an evaluation of their proposed research or creative project, their academic and cocurricular achievements, and promise for future contributions to knowledge and research in their discipline. As part of this program, the Center provides enhanced programs, advising and support so that students develop intellectual, interpersonal and research skills to be competitive applicants to graduate school, professional school and fellowships.
    • Last October, Manhattan College’s Center for the Study of the Future of Education hosted Marc Brackett, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and professor at the Child Study Center at Yale University. Brackett is the lead developer of RULER, a systemic, evidence-based approach to social and emotional learning that has been adopted by more than 2,000 public, charter and private schools across the United States and in other countries. In his talk, Brackett addressed the role of emotions in learning and decision-making. Through research, discussion and application to the Manhattan College community, the Center for the Study of the Future of Education explores issues related to education, from preschool through college, that have the potential to dramatically impact the future of education.
    • As part of the Center for Ethics’ Manhattan College Effective Altruism Project, several leaders in the emerging field of effective altruism visited campus this past year. Scott Weathers, policy specialist for the Good Food Institute, gave a lecture on plant-based foods and his work in addressing global alternative food production. Classroom “Giving Games” were led by Kathryn Mecrow-Flynn, philanthropic educator and curriculum developer from the nonprofit The Life You Can Save, which also provided free copies of Peter Singer’s book The Life You Can Save for an effective altruism reading group. Kennan McClung, director of growth and development for One for the World, a movement to change charitable giving to end extreme poverty, held an informational session and student
      chapter training.
    • The College’s annual Peace and Justice Week in February centered on the theme of Doing Good in the World. Sponsored by the Peace and Justice Studies department in collaboration with the Center for Ethics, Campus Ministry and Social Action, the Women and Gender Studies department, the Religious Studies department and the Multicultural Center, the week’s events included a presentation by Savanna Michener, the first graduate of Drexel University’s master’s degree program in peace engineering, and a lecture by Palestinian artist Malak Mattar on her development as an artist in the Gaza Strip.
    • Peace and Justice Week events continued later in the month with a visit from Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley and a national advocate for immigrants and justice. A sister with the Missionaries of Jesus, Sister Norma delivered a talk on her work and immigration at the Southern border. Her visit, which drew a crowd of about 450 attendees, was hosted by Catholic Relief Services, Campus Ministry and Social Action, and the office of Student Engagement, with several other offices collaborating.
    • The Urban Studies Annual Lecture featured A.K. Sandoval-Strausz of Penn State University to present research from his book Barrio America: How Latino Immigrants Saved the American City in February. Sandoval-Strausz discussed the history of how Latino immigrants revitalized the nation’s cities after decades of disinvestment. The lecture was co-sponsored by the Urban Studies program, Fuerza Latina, Campus Ministry and Social Action, the Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies minor, the Peace and Justice Studies program, the O’Malley School of Business, and the departments of History, Political Science, Sociology and Modern Languages and Literatures.
    • In April, the O’Malley School of Business hosted its annual Innovation Challenge virtually on Facebook Live. Budding entrepreneurs from the business school and School of Engineering pitched their business ideas to a panel of alumni, friend and faculty judges for prizes totaling $6,500 in startup cash. Marketing majors Jeffrey Bartlett ’21 and Desmond Cole ’21 were awarded first prize of $3,000 for their company DYFRENT, a digital media consulting service that provides clients with social media design and management, lead generation, targeted outreach and web design. Marketing major Joseue Encarnacion ’20 and business analytics major Adrian DeJesus ’21 took home second prize of $2,000 for their product, Baythoven, that would sell a health-monitoring chip for pets through retailers, wholesalers, veterinarian offices and animal shelters. In third place, economics major Laurent Span ’21 captured $1,000 for his social media sharing app, WeGoal, which allows users to announce their goals and receive support from fellow users through posts, tokens and follows.
    • Nicholas Rogalewski ’20 is the first recipient of the Con Edison Endowed Scholarship, which was initially announced at the 2019 De La Salle Medal Dinner by John McAvoy ’80, chairman and CEO of Con Edison. A native of the Bronx, Rogalewski is majoring in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics. The $5,000 scholarship has been established through Con Edison to provide support, based on financial need, for undergraduate students who major in
      a field of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
    • Rachel Roca ’21, a mathematics major, is one of 396 students across the United States to receive a Goldwater Scholarship from the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation. She is the second Manhattan College student in two years to receive the scholarship. From an estimated pool of more 5,000 college sophomores and juniors, 1,343 natural science, engineering and mathematics students were nominated by 461 academic institutions to compete for the prestigious scholarships.
    • Autumn Herndon ’19 was awarded a 2020 Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship. The fellowship, funded by the U.S. Department of State and managed by the Ralph J. Bunche International Affairs Center at Howard University, supports extraordinary individuals who want to pursue a career in the U.S. Foreign Service. It also supports her through a two-year graduate program to receive a master’s degree in an area relevant to U.S. foreign policy and provides extensive professional development opportunities.
    • Mary Elizabeth Pizzimenti ’21 earned a National Italian American Foundation Fellowship for the 2019-20 academic year. An Italian minor, she is one of 15 college students nationwide to receive the competitive prize. The fellowship program is intended for future leaders who self-identify as active in the Italian American community through their choice of study, participation in on-campus Italian Clubs, and their grassroots efforts.
    • Civil engineering major Matthew Sweeney ’21 is the first Manhattan College student to receive a prestigious honorable mention from the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation. The program recognizes sophomore and junior college students across the United States for leadership, public service, and commitment to issues related to Native American nations or to the environment. It awards 50 scholarships and 54 honorable mentions around the nation annually.
    • Eight civil engineering students have been awarded scholarships from member firms and regions of the American Council of Engineering Companies of New York. The scholarship amounts range from $2,500 to $10,000 and are awarded based on the students’ cumulative GPA, college activities, work experience and essays. Nadia Itani ’21 received a $10,000 ACEC New York Award of Merit Scholarship, and Jeremy Capuder ’21 was named the recipient of a $5,000 STV Group Scholarship. The following six students also earned $2,500 scholarships: Grace Stackowitz ’21 (ACEC Long Island Region Scholarship), Rachel Foertech ’21 (ACEC New York Western Region Scholarship), Alyssa Hirani ’21 (Hazen and Sawyer Scholarship), Kerry Brosnan ’21 (HDR Scholarship), Robert Del Prete ’21 (Sam Schwartz Engineering Scholarship) and Danielle DeSimone ’21 (Stantec Scholarship).
    • In addition, five civil and environmental engineering students participated in the Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition and Conference, hosted by the Young Professionals Committee of the Water Environment Federation in fall 2019. The team was composed of civil engineering graduate students Sarah Sansone ’20; Logan Graney ’18, ’20; Adina Rivera ’19, ’20; Chris Casey ’19, ’20; and Arijit Ghosh ’20. The group was led by Jeanette Brown, professor of civil and environmental engineering, who was recently named a distinguished member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The team was tasked with redeveloping a wastewater treatment plant and creating a design report, along with a 20-minute presentation, which were the result of five months’ effort.
    • With creators using new techniques to produce artistic content from home, five film studies students were inspired to create their own short films, New Day, New You and Captor to showcase their talent and express their creativity while in quarantine. Regan Alejo ’22, Nick Chiofalo ’21, Sharon Egan ’22, Angela Ramoni ’23 and Teresa Ramoni ’20 participated in both the FilmOneFest 24-Hour Film Slam and the New York City Quarantine Film Festival. Captor won Best Horror Film in the New York City Quarantine Film Festival, competing against more than 100 other short films. New Day, New You won the People’s Choice Award in the FilmOneFest 24-Hour Film Slam.
    • Angel Pineda, associate professor of mathematics, was awarded a three-year National Institutes of Health grant of $395,000. The funding will support Pineda’s project, Optimizing Acquisition and Reconstruction of Under-sampled MRI for Signal Detection. This research project advances a larger scientific effort to accelerate MRI while maintaining the diagnostic quality by optimizing the performance of constrained reconstruction and deep learning on detecting subtle signals in accelerated MRI.
    • Helene Tyler, associate professor of mathematics, won the Distinguished Teaching Award by the New York Metro section of the Mathematical Association of America, the world’s largest association of mathematicians, students and mathematics enthusiasts. Her main research interest is in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras.
    • Sarah Wacker, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, received an Academic Research Enhancement Awards R15 grant from the National Institutes of Health to identify and characterize the environmental signals that bacteria recognize when forming communities called biofilms. These communities have roles in a variety of settings and can lead to chronic infections. The proposed research will answer fundamental questions about how cells choose a particular fate and how environmental signals are integrated into the decision to form a multicellular community.
    • The Kinesiology department has been awarded a grant from CVS Health to implement its recently launched e-cigarette prevention program, CATCH My Breath. An acronym for Coordinated Approach to Child Health, CATCH My Breath is an e-cigarette and JUUL prevention program that aims to provide middle and high school students with the skills to resist peer pressure and media influences to try e-cigarettes. Kinesiology faculty will facilitate training sessions for physical education student teachers and health and physical education teachers.
    • Manhattan College introduced a new public health major this fall. The program’s mission is to educate students on the core principles of public health knowledge to address health outcomes of the population through equity, policy and action. Students can choose from two tracks: community health and health care administration, both concentrations within the field of public health. Tekeyah Sears serves as program director of the Allied Health/Public Health programs and designed the public health major.
    • Manhattan students can now minor in geography through the Sociology department. Students will learn how geographers think about the complex problems facing our planet: poverty, inequality, environmental degradation, climate change and more. The theoretical foundation of human geography gives students a critical lens to approach human-environment interactions, including studying the link between geography and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
    • The O’Malley School of Business MBA program launched concentrations that provide students with in-depth knowledge in some of the economy’s fastest-growing sectors: business analytics, finance and economics, and organizations, markets and sustainability. In response to student demand for programs targeted to specific career areas, these concentrations are available to all MBA students.
    • The O’Malley School of Business also started an Honors Program in the fall 2019. Those accepted join a community of students who are focused on academic and leadership achievement, and enter a curriculum designed to enhance their business and interpersonal skills through seminar-style core classes, major courses and a senior capstone research experience. The honors program offers highly motivated business students the chance to develop rigorous business skills and interact with top business leaders
      and mentors.
    • The School of Engineering recently established a new laboratory for cosmetic engineering graduate students within the Chemical Engineering department that will help prepare students for top jobs in the industry at companies such as Estée Lauder and L’Oréal USA. The chemical engineering program features industry-relevant equipment and advanced characterization techniques that also are being used by graduate students carrying out research within the department’s new biopharmaceutical engineering option.
    • The Major Author Reading Series (MARS) featured Helen Phillips, author of The Need and various other works, and Sarah Grieve, poet, professor and author of Honey My Tongue, during the fall 2019 semester.
    • The Experiencing Veterans and Artists Collaboration (EVAC), an art project that was displayed in the O’Malley Library in spring 2019, moved to a pop-up space in midtown Manhattan’s Flatiron Building in fall 2019. The exhibit includes visual presentations and accompanying narratives, such as those of a World War II Marine who fought in Okinawa, Japan; a Gold Star mother; and a post-9/11 82nd Airborne veteran who served multiple tours as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Two alumni who served in the armed forces — Kirsten Battocchio ’18 and Michael Giraldo ’19 — also had their stories told through the EVAC art gallery.
    • Andy Bauer, director of performing arts, produced a series of videos featuring the Singers, Players and Jazz Band this past spring to replace their on-campus, end-of-semester performances. The videos were recorded in the performers’ homes from across the country. The Manhattan College Singers’ performance of Let the River Run, the Players’ presentation of The Addams Family Musical Special, as well as the Jazz Band’s Stay at Home Shuffle, among others, are on the College’s YouTube channel.

    U.S. News & World Report ranks Manhattan College 13th among the Best Regional Universities in the North category — the fifth consecutive year that the College has been ranked in the top 15

    Manhattan also was ranked sixth among the best colleges for veterans in the region by U.S. News & World Report and placed seventh in the region for undergraduate teaching

    Manhattan College is one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduates to earn their college degree, according to The Princeton Review’s Best 386 Colleges

    The College made the list of the top U.S. colleges and universities that produced the most 2019-20 Fulbright students, announced by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs

    For the sixth straight year, Manhattan College has earned a spot on VIQTORY’s list of Military Friendly Schools, receiving a silver designation


  • 2019 - 2020 Strategic Plan Key Performance Indicators
    • 55 Faculty and administrators that participated in the College Core Identity Seminar
    • 214 Students who participated in the Arches during the 2019-20 Academic year 
    • 28% Percent of graduating students that had a study abroad, study away or LOVE experience
    • 15 Attendees in the International Leadership Program for Faculties from Lasallian Universities Program
    • 424 Students enrolled in first-year seminar courses in the 2019-20 academic year
    • 36% Percent of full-time freshman that are minorities, as of fall 2019
    • 36% Percent of full-time freshman that are first generation, as of fall 2019
    • 63 Students enrolled in the Camino Program
    • 46% Percent of seniors that participated in community service during their undergraduate years
    • 47 Number of community engaged learning courses in the 2019-20 academic year
    • 420 total number of graduate students
    • 60 total number of work-study placement for community partnerships
    • 58 summer research scholars
    • 677 students enrolled in a community engaged learning course
    • 10 Manhattan college presentations at the international Lasallian research symposium
    • 243 alumni that participated in the mentor program
    • 64 students enrolled in environmental studies, environmental science, and environmental engineering
    • 3,365 total number of undergraduate students
  • 2019-2020 FINANCIAL REPORT

    Manhattan College ended its 2019–20 fiscal year in a strong financial position; reflecting careful and strategic budget planning; steady, measured planning in enrollment; and continuing increases in contributions and investment earnings.

    Net Assets

    Net assets are the difference between the College's assets and its liabilities. As of June 30, 2020, the value of Manhattan College's net assets totaled $295 million. Of this amount, $147 million was without donor restrictions, and $149 million was with donor restrictions.

    Change in Net Assets

    The College's net assets grew by approximately $9 million in 2019-20, an increase of 3%. Since 2010, the College's net assets have grown steadily, from $126 million to more than $295 million, an increase of more than 100%.

    This includes $135.7 million in revenues without donor restrictions and $11.1 million with donor restrictions.


    Manhattan College received $146.8 million in revenue in 2019-20, of which $135.7 million of these revenues were without donor restrictions, and $11.1 million with donor restrictions. The College's revenue decreased by 4.6% in 2019-2020, compared to 2018-19. The decrease in total revenues is a result of lost revenues and additional expenses due to the pandemic. At $114.6 million, student tuition and fees and auxilary services represented 78% of the College's 2019-20 revenues (net of College-provided financial aid). 10% came from contributions, 5% came from investment income, 4.6% came from government grants and contracts, and 2.4% came from all other sources.


    Higher education costs for wages and salaries, health benefits, utilities, deferred maintenance, capital development and information technology were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2019-20 budget reflects expense decreases in all of these categories representing a 3.65% decrease over 2018-19. The largest area of expenditure in 2019-20 was instruction, which at $50.7 million represented 36.8% of total College expenditures. Other major expenditure areas were student services ($47.6 million, 34.5% of total expenditures); institutional support ($25 million, 18.1% of total expenditures); academic support services ($13.6 million, 10% of total expenditures); and research and sponsored programs ($900,000,.7% of total expenditures).


    The market value of Manhattan College's endowment, including reinvested earnings, increased steadily from 2011 until 2020. In 2020, the College experienced a growth of its endowment value from approximately $108 million in 2019 to $118 million in 2020, an increase of just over
    9.2% compared to the market valuation 12 months earlier.


    Total full-time equivalency (FTE) enrollment has grown by almost 9% at Manhattan since 2011 and is now just under 3,900 students, including more than 3,100 full-time undergraduate students. The College's strategy is to encourage incremental steady growth in enrollment appropriate to the College's resources and mission. Growth has also occurred in the categories of full-time graduate and part-time graduate students.