City Council Recognizes Students for Efforts in Neighborhood Relations

Micaela Bishop ’18 and Ryan Quattromani ’18 have worked closely with the surrounding community.

Photo of Ryan Quattromani, Micaela Bishop and Jean RinconStudent body president Micaela Bishop ’18 and Ryan Quattromani ’18, who started the College’s Neighborhood Relations Committee, were recognized by New York City Council Member Andrew Cohen for their work in building stronger ties with the surrounding community in the northwest Bronx.

Quattromani founded the committee in 2015 as a way for students to take action as positive contributors to the Manhattan College community and the surrounding community. Each year, the group invites local residents to a luncheon to meet and greet students who live in the community, and discuss any local issues with Manhattan College students and staff. The group has also helped launch an on-campus children’s movie series, designed for local residents and their kids.

Bishop and Quattromani are two of the more than 700 Manhattan College undergraduate students who will receive their bachelor’s degrees on Friday, May 18 at the College’s 176th Undergraduate Commencement.

By Pete McHugh