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Center For The Study Of The Future Of Education

  1. Emma Kaishian at 2019 Commencement

    Emma Kaishian ’19 to Speak about Impact of COVID-19 on Public Health

    The event will be hosted by the Center for the Study of the Future of Education.

  2. Students walking near O'Malley Library

    Center for the Study of the Future of Education to Host Matthew Porricelli and Lorraine Dowler

    Porricelli and Dowler will discuss their classroom styles and how to connect with students at all levels.

  3. Sister Tesa Fitzgerald with young students

    Center for the Study of the Future of Education to Host Sister Tesa Fitzgerald, CSJ

    The founder of Hour Children, Sister Tesa will share ideas to end intergenerational incarceration.

  4. lecture gen

    Center for the Study of the Future of Education to Host Ruby Payne, Jonathan Kozol

    Payne will visit campus on March 25 and Kozol on April 22.