12th Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop
Friday, January 17th, 2020 Manhattan University, Riverdale, NY
08:15 - 08:55 a.m: Breakfast and Registration
Registration and poster setup in Kelly Commons 5th Floor
08:55 - 09:00 a.m: Welcome Remarks
09:00 - 09:30 a.m: Invited Talk: Chris Boyce, Columbia University
“MRI, Optical Imaging and Computational Modeling of Fluidized Gas-Granular
09:30 - 10:00 a.m: Invited Talk: Luc Deike, Princeton University
“Similarity Solutions Describing Bubble Pinch-off in Turbulence and Bubble
Bursting at a Free Surface”
10:00 - 10:25 a.m: Coffee Break
10:25 - 11:45 a.m: Short Presentations I: 3 min (+1 min)
- Hammad Aziz, The University of Queensland. “Viscoelastic properties of metallurgical coal”
- Subhabrata Das, Columbia University. “A Multiscale Mesoscopic Model Simulating Hydrodynamics of Emulsions laden with Ellipsoidal particles”
- Priya Katyal, New York University. “Self-assembled coiled-coil protein hydrogels”
- Quentin Brosseau, University of Pennsylvania. “Gravity Drives Nanorods Up the Wall”
- Navid Bizmark, Princeton University. “Colloidal transport in porous media: Pore-scale interplay of advection, deposi- tion, and erosion”
- Shuaijun Li, The City College of New York. “Fluid Flow with Suspended Soft Particles in Porous Media”
- Nancy Lu, Princeton University. “Controlling capillary fingering using pore size gradients in disordered media”
- Jonathan Singer, Rutgers University. “Electrospray of Polymer Nanowire Conformal Coatings”
- Christopher Browne, Princeton University. “Bistability in the flow of polymer solutions through porous media”
- Tapomoy Bhattacharjee, Princeton University. “Collective migration of bacteria in disordered media”
- Fred Wiebke, TA Instruments. “Rheology: Strategies for Better Data”
- Jenna Ott, Princeton University. “Capillary Oscillatory Shear (CaOS) of particulates in polymer solutions”
- Yuan-Nan Young, New Jersey Institute of Technology. “A hybrid approach to model lipid bilayer membranes beyond the Helfrich free energy”
- Julian Silverman, Manhattan University. “Thixotropic Biobased Fuel Gels Derived from Waste”
- Lingzhi Cai, Princeton University. “Follow the Dotted Line”
- Suchandra Das, New Jersey Insitute of Technology. “Electric field induced self-assembly of monolayers of gold nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman scattering applications”
- Etienne Jambon-Puillet, Princeton University. “Deformation and bursting of elastic capsules impacting a rigid wall”
- Troy Singletary, Stony Brook University. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Nanoparticle Adsorption: The Role of Hydration Forces on Surface Diffusivity”
- Michael Grzenda, Rutgers University. “Low Density Electronics Coatings for Protection against High Hydrostatic Pressure
11:45 - 12:15 p.m: Invited Talk: Ilona Kretzschmar, The City College of New York
“Active Janus and Patchy Particles Near Boundaries”
12:15 - 1:45 p.m: Lunch and Poster Presentations
01:45 - 02:15 p.m: Invited Talk: Daeyeon Lee, University of Pennsylvania
“Infiltration of Polymers into Disordered Nanoparticle Packings: Polymers un-
der Extreme Nanoconfinement”
02:15 - 02:45 p.m: Invited Talk: David J Pine, New York University
“In Pursuit of Colloidal Diamond”
02:45 - 03:30 p.m: Short Presentations II: 3 min (+1 min)
- Joanna Schneider, Princeton University. “Using colloidal deposition for trapped oil mobilization in porous media”
- Jean-Francois Louf, Princeton University. “Dynamics of inhalation: flexible tubes network opening driven by elasto- capillarity”
- Daniel Seeman, Brookhaven Instruments. “A case study on diffusive motions in High-Mw polymer solutions: Applications of multi-angle Dynamic Light Scattering”
- Subhendra Sarkar, New York City College of Technology/CUNY and McLean Hospital/ Harvard Medical School. “Non-destructive Testing of Composite Materials Using High Field MRI”
- Akm Rahman, New York City College of Technology. “Rigid Nanofiber Reinforced Organosilicon Polymer as a Model Bio-material for Imaging and Spectroscopy.”
- Aishwarya Kanchi Ranganath, Rutgers University. “Protein condensates with altered sequences have differing phase behavior and yet retain liquid-like properties”
- Sean Fancher, University of Pennsylvania. “Fluid flow dynamics in networks of compliant vessels”
- Shang-Huan Chiu, New Jersey Institute of Technology. “Viscous Transport in Eroding Porous Media”
- Christopher Ushay, Princeton University. “Multiphase flow through hairy channels”
- Trevor Jones, Princeton University. “Bubble Casting Programmable Soft Robotics”
- Benjamin Yavitt, Stony Brook University. “In-operando studies of structure and dynamics in polymer nanocomposites during additive manufacturing processes”
03:30 - 04:00 p.m: Coffee Break
04:00 - 04:30 p.m: Invited Talk: Darrin J. Pochan, University of Delaware
“Biomolecules for Non-biological Things: Materials Construction through Pep-
tide Design and Solution Assembly”
04:30 - 05:00 p.m: Invited Talk: Yaling Liu, Lehigh University
“Blood Cell Damage in Medical Device: Soft Membrane Mechanics under Ex-
treme Conditions”
Closing Remarks
List of contributed posters:
The poster will need to be mounted on a 3600 by 4800 board. The board, push pins, and a stand to hold the poster will be provided.
- Faiz Khan, The Ohio State University.
“Scalable synthesis of polymer nanoparticles” - Qingjian Li, Stevens Institute of Technology.
“Bubble transport in porous media in the presence of nanoparticles” - Alimohammad Anbari, The City College of New Yrok.
“Characterization of Breast Cancer Cell Migration, Captured in a Dual-gel Dual-porosity 3D ECM Mimics” - Alexandre Morin, New York University.
“Building diamonds with pyramids” - Siqi Liu, Stevens Institute of Technology.
“Dynamics of Ionic Liquids in the Presence of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles” - Constantina Drakontis, Manhattan University.
“Design of Sustainable Color Cosmetic Emulsions with Biosurfactants and Silica Particle Mixtures” - Daniel Amchin, Princeton University.
“Traveling Waves of Bacteria in Porous Media” - Audrey Shih, Princeton University.
“Polymer Flow Structure in Porous Media” - Aina Radiance Davies, Manhattan University.
“Microstructure Design of BTAC:FA and CTAC:FA Lamellar Gels for Optimized Rheology Performance Utilizing Automated Formulation Platform” - Samyukta Pingali, Manhattan University.
“Engineering Surface Activity and Bulk Rheological Performance Through Controlled Interactions of Biopolymers with Biosurfactants” - Constantina Drakontis, Manhattan University.
“Designing High Performance Color Cosmetics Through Optimization of Powder Flow Characteristics” - Farzana Begum, Manhattan University.
“Investigating the Influence of Polysorbate 20/80 and Poloxamer P188 On Bovine Serum Albumin and Lysozyme Aggregation, Rheology & Interfacial Properties” - Amanda Peterman, Manhattan University.
“Manufacture of Collagen Nanofibrils and their Biomedical and Envionmental Applications” - Tetiana Soloviova, New York City College of Technology, CUNY.
“Fabrication and Imaging Characterization of Poly (Dimethyl Siloxane)/SiC Nano-fillers Samples as Model Biomaterials” - Chunsheng Wen, The City College of New York.
“Fabrication of Nanoporous Films by Sintering Silica Mesoporous Particles” - Yara Suleiman, Manhattan University.
“Study of the Effect of Rheological Properties of High-Concentration Protein Solutions on the Injectability of Protein Therapeutics” - Thitiporn (Orm) Kaewpetch, Lehigh University.
“Microstructure and instabilities in drying colloid-polymer films” - Aravind Suresh, Manhattan University.
“Development of polymer deposition instrument at Manhattan University as part of NSF-MRI grant” - Alimohammad Anbari, The City College of New Yrok
“Characterization of Breast Cancer Cell Migration, Captured in a Dual-gel Dual-porosity 3D ECM Mimics” - Adeline Benhur, Manhattan University
“Effect of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on SLES/CAPB Surfactant System: A Macro and Microrheological Study” - Kamia Puniua & Jay Kang, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
“Photo-triggerable Engineered Protein Drug-Delivery System”
We would like to acknowledge support from the Chemical and Mechanical Engineering departments at Manhattan University and our co-sponsors TA Instruments, Anton Paar, and Malvern Panalytical.
The local organizing committee
Samiul Amin
Lina Baroudi