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12th Northeast Complex Fluids and Soft Matter Workshop

Friday, January 17th, 2020 Manhattan University, Riverdale, NY 

08:15 - 08:55 a.m: Breakfast and Registration

Registration and poster setup in Kelly Commons 5th Floor

08:55 - 09:00 a.m: Welcome Remarks

09:00 - 09:30 a.m: Invited Talk: Chris Boyce, Columbia University

“MRI, Optical Imaging and Computational Modeling of Fluidized Gas-Granular

09:30 - 10:00 a.m: Invited Talk: Luc Deike, Princeton University

“Similarity Solutions Describing Bubble Pinch-off in Turbulence and Bubble
Bursting at a Free Surface”

10:00 - 10:25 a.m: Coffee Break

10:25 - 11:45 a.m: Short Presentations I: 3 min (+1 min)

  1. Hammad Aziz, The University of Queensland. “Viscoelastic properties of metallurgical coal”
  2. Subhabrata Das, Columbia University. “A Multiscale Mesoscopic Model Simulating Hydrodynamics of Emulsions laden with Ellipsoidal particles”
  3. Priya Katyal, New York University. “Self-assembled coiled-coil protein hydrogels”
  4. Quentin Brosseau, University of Pennsylvania. “Gravity Drives Nanorods Up the Wall”
  5. Navid Bizmark, Princeton University. “Colloidal transport in porous media: Pore-scale interplay of advection, deposi- tion, and erosion”
  6. Shuaijun Li, The City College of New York. “Fluid Flow with Suspended Soft Particles in Porous Media”
  7. Nancy Lu, Princeton University. “Controlling capillary fingering using pore size gradients in disordered media”
  8. Jonathan Singer, Rutgers University. “Electrospray of Polymer Nanowire Conformal Coatings” 
  9. Christopher Browne, Princeton University. “Bistability in the flow of polymer solutions through porous media”
  10. Tapomoy Bhattacharjee, Princeton University. “Collective migration of bacteria in disordered media”
  11. Fred Wiebke, TA Instruments. “Rheology: Strategies for Better Data”
  12. Jenna Ott, Princeton University. “Capillary Oscillatory Shear (CaOS) of particulates in polymer solutions”
  13. Yuan-Nan Young, New Jersey Institute of Technology. “A hybrid approach to model lipid bilayer membranes beyond the Helfrich free energy”
  14. Julian Silverman, Manhattan University. “Thixotropic Biobased Fuel Gels Derived from Waste”
  15. Lingzhi Cai, Princeton University. “Follow the Dotted Line”
  16. Suchandra Das, New Jersey Insitute of Technology. “Electric field induced self-assembly of monolayers of gold nanoparticles for surface enhanced Raman scattering applications”
  17. Etienne Jambon-Puillet, Princeton University. “Deformation and bursting of elastic capsules impacting a rigid wall”
  18. Troy Singletary, Stony Brook University. “Molecular Dynamics Study of Nanoparticle Adsorption: The Role of Hydration Forces on Surface Diffusivity”
  19. Michael Grzenda, Rutgers University. “Low Density Electronics Coatings for Protection against High Hydrostatic Pressure

11:45 - 12:15 p.m: Invited Talk: Ilona Kretzschmar, The City College of New York

“Active Janus and Patchy Particles Near Boundaries”

12:15 - 1:45 p.m: Lunch and Poster Presentations

01:45 - 02:15 p.m: Invited Talk: Daeyeon Lee, University of Pennsylvania

“Infiltration of Polymers into Disordered Nanoparticle Packings: Polymers un-
der Extreme Nanoconfinement”

02:15 - 02:45 p.m: Invited Talk: David J Pine, New York University

“In Pursuit of Colloidal Diamond”

02:45 - 03:30 p.m: Short Presentations II: 3 min (+1 min)

  1. Joanna Schneider, Princeton University. “Using colloidal deposition for trapped oil mobilization in porous media”
  2. Jean-Francois Louf, Princeton University. “Dynamics of inhalation: flexible tubes network opening driven by elasto- capillarity”
  3. Daniel Seeman, Brookhaven Instruments. “A case study on diffusive motions in High-Mw polymer solutions: Applications of multi-angle Dynamic Light Scattering”
  4. Subhendra Sarkar, New York City College of Technology/CUNY and McLean Hospital/ Harvard Medical School. “Non-destructive Testing of Composite Materials Using High Field MRI”
  5. Akm Rahman, New York City College of Technology. “Rigid Nanofiber Reinforced Organosilicon Polymer as a Model Bio-material for Imaging and Spectroscopy.”
  6. Aishwarya Kanchi Ranganath, Rutgers University. “Protein condensates with altered sequences have differing phase behavior and yet retain liquid-like properties”
  7. Sean Fancher, University of Pennsylvania. “Fluid flow dynamics in networks of compliant vessels”
  8. Shang-Huan Chiu, New Jersey Institute of Technology. “Viscous Transport in Eroding Porous Media”
  9. Christopher Ushay, Princeton University. “Multiphase flow through hairy channels”
  10. Trevor Jones, Princeton University. “Bubble Casting Programmable Soft Robotics”
  11. Benjamin Yavitt, Stony Brook University. “In-operando studies of structure and dynamics in polymer nanocomposites during additive manufacturing processes”

03:30 - 04:00 p.m: Coffee Break

04:00 - 04:30 p.m: Invited Talk: Darrin J. Pochan, University of Delaware

“Biomolecules for Non-biological Things: Materials Construction through Pep-
tide Design and Solution Assembly”

04:30 - 05:00 p.m: Invited Talk: Yaling Liu, Lehigh University

“Blood Cell Damage in Medical Device: Soft Membrane Mechanics under Ex-
treme Conditions”

Closing Remarks

List of contributed posters:
The poster will need to be mounted on a 3600 by 4800 board. The board, push pins, and a stand to hold the poster will be provided.

  1. Faiz Khan, The Ohio State University.
    “Scalable synthesis of polymer nanoparticles”
  2. Qingjian Li, Stevens Institute of Technology.
    “Bubble transport in porous media in the presence of nanoparticles”
  3. Alimohammad Anbari, The City College of New Yrok.
    “Characterization of Breast Cancer Cell Migration, Captured in a Dual-gel Dual-porosity 3D ECM Mimics”
  4. Alexandre Morin, New York University.
    “Building diamonds with pyramids”
  5. Siqi Liu, Stevens Institute of Technology.
    “Dynamics of Ionic Liquids in the Presence of Polymer-Grafted Nanoparticles”
  6. Constantina Drakontis, Manhattan University.
    “Design of Sustainable Color Cosmetic Emulsions with Biosurfactants and Silica Particle Mixtures”
  7. Daniel Amchin, Princeton University.
    “Traveling Waves of Bacteria in Porous Media”
  8. Audrey Shih, Princeton University.
    “Polymer Flow Structure in Porous Media”
  9. Aina Radiance Davies, Manhattan University.
    “Microstructure Design of BTAC:FA and CTAC:FA Lamellar Gels for Optimized Rheology Performance Utilizing Automated Formulation Platform”
  10. Samyukta Pingali, Manhattan University.
    “Engineering Surface Activity and Bulk Rheological Performance Through Controlled Interactions of Biopolymers with Biosurfactants”
  11. Constantina Drakontis, Manhattan University.
    “Designing High Performance Color Cosmetics Through Optimization of Powder Flow Characteristics”
  12. Farzana Begum, Manhattan University.
    “Investigating the Influence of Polysorbate 20/80 and Poloxamer P188 On Bovine Serum Albumin and Lysozyme Aggregation, Rheology & Interfacial Properties”
  13. Amanda Peterman, Manhattan University.
    “Manufacture of Collagen Nanofibrils and their Biomedical and Envionmental Applications”
  14. Tetiana Soloviova, New York City College of Technology, CUNY.
    “Fabrication and Imaging Characterization of Poly (Dimethyl Siloxane)/SiC Nano-fillers Samples as Model Biomaterials”
  15. Chunsheng Wen, The City College of New York.
    “Fabrication of Nanoporous Films by Sintering Silica Mesoporous Particles”
  16. Yara Suleiman, Manhattan University.
    “Study of the Effect of Rheological Properties of High-Concentration Protein Solutions on the Injectability of Protein Therapeutics”
  17. Thitiporn (Orm) Kaewpetch, Lehigh University.
    “Microstructure and instabilities in drying colloid-polymer films”
  18. Aravind Suresh, Manhattan University.
    “Development of polymer deposition instrument at Manhattan University as part of NSF-MRI grant”
  19. Alimohammad Anbari, The City College of New Yrok
    “Characterization of Breast Cancer Cell Migration, Captured in a Dual-gel Dual-porosity 3D ECM Mimics”
  20. Adeline Benhur, Manhattan University
    “Effect of Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant on SLES/CAPB Surfactant System: A Macro and Microrheological Study”
  21. Kamia Puniua & Jay Kang, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
    “Photo-triggerable Engineered Protein Drug-Delivery System”

We would like to acknowledge support from the Chemical and Mechanical Engineering departments at Manhattan University and our co-sponsors TA Instruments, Anton Paar, and Malvern Panalytical.


The local organizing committee
Samiul Amin
Lina Baroudi


Printable Program Schedule