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2021 Student Spotlights

The Class of 2021 met the challenges of an unprecedented year, demonstrating growth and resilience while coming together as a community. 

They are ready to make their mark on the world. We can’t wait to see all that they will accomplish.

Meet a few of our seniors and learn about their future plans. 

  • Sophie Demurjian ’21

    Name: Sophie Demurjian

    Major: Communications Minor in Marketing 

    Future Plans: To run my online boutique @cutandcropped

    Why did you start the Bronx Bites Instagram account? Did the following surprise you? I started the Bronx Bites Instagram because I love going out to eat and I wanted to share some of the best places to get food. The following did not surprise me because I’ve ran a few popular pages in the past. My company I currently run has over 54k on instagram.

    Is there one person, place or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University?  Some of my best ideas came from just sitting on the benches in the quad. It’s a great place to think and get ideas.


  • Matt Padre ’21

    Name: Matt Padre

    Major: Accounting

    Future Plans: This summer I will be working at KPMG as an Audit Intern in the Financial Services sector. The hope is that this opportunity will lead into a full time position. After the summer I plan on returning to MC to pursue my BS/MBA in professional accounting as well as obtaining the necessary credits to sit for the CPA exam. Due to the pandemic, I was granted an extra year of eligibility and so I will exercise that option to try and win a MAAC championship and chase some career milestones I set for myself. Though my time here at MC isn't quite over yet, these last 4 years have been the best 4 years of my life. 

    What is your favorite part of being on a team?: My favorite part of being on a team has definitely been the family aspect. After every game and every practice we break it down with a "family on 3". The friendships you build from being on a team is like no other. We spend hours upon hours with one another, at the field during practice and games, cross country trips, 14 hour bus rides, you name it. We have been through so much as a group and no one can take any of it away from us. While yes there are emotional ups and downs, I believe I have built bonds that will last a lifetime. Along with the people aspect, the competition is also amazing. I can't speak on other sports, but baseball has a tendency to kick you when you're down. Even though it hurts in the moment, I have learned some valuable life lessons and learned a lot about myself while playing at Manhattan. I truly believe the experience of being a Jaspers baseball player has given me a leg up in life and I wouldn't change it for the world.

    Is there one person, place or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University?: Coming into college the person that inspired me the most was my dad. During his time in college he earned summa cum laude honors, so my goal coming in was to be better than him. I always perform better when I'm "chasing" someone. His success inspired me and motivated me to try and outperform him from a grades standpoint. But while I was here, the Jasper community as a whole inspired me. They inspired me to get involved; to be part of the community and share as many moments as I can with one another. This campus is small, and when I started seeing the greatness out of many individuals it pushed me to get a slice. The people this school builds inspire me. Manhattan University builds leaders, it pushes people to step up and step out of their comfort zone. Seeing the community take that step was amazing, so I stepped alongside.



  • Ebube Ezeagwula-Ebube ’21

    Name: Ebube Ezeagwula-Ebube

    Major: Business Management & Minor in Marketing

    What was your experience like hosting an event on campus during Black History Month this year?  It was very eye-opening to what goes on behind the scenes with event planning. What I learned from it, I believe will serve me well moving forward in life, and the joy/sense of accomplishment that I felt at the conclusion of the event was well worth all the work leading up to it. 

    Is there one person, place, or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University?

    "The Rock" at Van Cortlandt Park gave me inspiration and motivation during the times I needed it most. Just sitting there looking over the field gave me peace and clarity whenever I would feel like life was going 100 miles per hour.



  • Mary Elizabeth Pizzimenti ’21

    Name: Mary Elizabeth Pizzimenti

    Major: Physical Education

    Minor: Italian

    Future Plans: Obtain a Masters of Science in Health Education at Hofstra University while also obtaining credits to pursue a NYS Italian teaching certificate.

    What do you enjoy most about learning the Italian language and culture:  Learning about the Italian language at Manhattan University has given me a deeper understanding of my family's history and allows me to fully appreciate the Italian culture.  The Italian history, cuisine, opera, paintings, literature, architecture, and more have allowed the pride of Italian culture to remain appreciated throughout the world.

    Is there one person, place, or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University: The faculty at Manhattan University are special because they gave personal attention to my interests which kept me highly motivated. Doctor Luisanna Sardu always encouraged me to take advantage of opportunities for experience, leadership, involvement, and enjoyment. The knowledge I gained and the connections I made at Manhattan University will last a lifetime. Grazie mille!


  • Odette Dominguez ’21

    Name: Odette Dominguez

    Major: Civil Engineering and Mathematics

    Future Plans (if any): In the upcoming semester, I plan on going to graduate school at Manhattan University pursuing a Master's in Structural Engineering. I will also be working as a Graduate Assistant for the department.

    What made you interested in math and engineering?

    I have always been interested in math ever since middle school. Doing problems felt more like playing a game or solving a puzzle rather than actual work. This enjoyment/excitement continued throughout high school as well. I had my first encounter with engineering with my sister. She is my major influence as she pursued a Mechanical Engineering degree at Manhattan University while I was in middle school. Though I decided to do Civil Engineering, I remember she brought me to the Leo Building and explained to me the different engineering disciplines. This was where I first learned about engineering. A few years later, when I decided what school/major, I couldn't help but be gravitated towards Manhattan University. My interest in civil engineering solidified when I participated in the Summer Engineering Awareness Program led by Dr. Saulkin during the summer entering my senior year of high school. While in my freshman year in ENGS 115: Introduction to Engineering, one of the professors explained that engineers can also pursue either a minor, concentration, or second major in Mathematics. Once I knew that was an option, I actively spoke with professors/advisors in the civil and mathematics department to see if I would be able to graduate on time if I pursued the two majors. Though it did take a lot more work than expected, I do not regret my decision. If anything, I would feel more regret if I did not do it at all.

    Is there one person, place, or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University?

    My main inspiration is my older sister. She was the first person I knew let alone in my family who became a Mechanical Engineer. My parents were concerned since she would be going into a male-dominated field, but she persisted despite everything. Seeing that when I was in middle/high school gave me the encouragement to also go into the field of engineering.


  • Carol Bisono ’21

    Name: Carol Bisono

    Major: SCPS School of Continuing and Professional Studies

    Future Plans: My future plan is to enroll in the Masters Program.   

    What has it been like to earn your degree at Manhattan while working at the same time? Actually, it has been very inspiring working at Manhattan University and earning my degree.  The benefit of having other coworkers in the same program motivated me to finish and get my degree.  

    Is there one person, place or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University? My cohort had a significant role. The bond and encouragement we gave each other throughout the program facilitated for all of us to succeed together.


  • Joseph Thomas ’21

    Name: Joseph Thomas

    Major: Physics/Chemistry

    Future Plans (if any): Planning to work in research and development of robotic prosthetics.

    What drew you to Manhattan University as a transfer student? I was drawn to Manhattan University for its perfect location next to the 1 train, its beautiful campus, and all of the accomplished and well-meaning staff in the physics and chemistry department.

    Is there one person, place or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University? The opportunity to conduct research at CERN after my sophomore year inspired me to pursue the toughest science and engineering challenges our society is facing today. Hard work, cooperation and creativity are at the heart of what it means to be a Jasper.



  • Meghan Walker ’21

    Name: Meghan Walker

    Major: Chemical Engineering

    Future Plans: This summer I'll be interning at Merck! I interned there last summer as well and I loved it so much I made it my mission to return. I'll be working to scale up manufacturing processes for novel, solid oral drugs as they reach the clinical trial stage. In the fall, I'll be returning to Manhattan University to finish my MS in Chemical Engineering (through the 5-year program) with a concentration in Biopharmaceutical Engineering. I've also recently accepted a Graduate Assistant position with the Chem-E department! After finishing grad school, I'd like to work with Merck full-time, or at least land somewhere in the pharmaceutical industry. 

    Leadership Positions: SWE was the first place I really found my knack for leadership! I didn't think of myself as a leader coming into college, but I knew I wanted to get involved with SWE because I was very passionate about women in STEM having a safe and supportive community on campus. At the end of my freshman year I ran, sort of on a whim, for the position of Chemical Engineering Representative and won! The next year I was elected to the position of Secretary. After two years on the board, two trips to the SWE National Conference, and countless campus events planned, becoming President just felt like a natural progression! Once I gained my confidence, I began inserting myself into other organizations and taking initiative in areas of campus where I felt like my skills could help make improvements. "Be the change you wish to see in the world" applies to campus as well! 

    Inspiration: I was always incredibly inspired by the upperclassmen in the chemical engineering department as I progressed through the program. I attribute a lot of my academic success and passion for involvement to being a part of such a tight-knit community. Previous seniors really paved the way for us to succeed by being incredible role models and offering their advice and mentorship. I remember seeing their friendships, close relationships with professors, and work ethic, and wishing that I would one day reach that level too. I can only hope that myself and my fellow Chem-E seniors have filled those shoes well.


  • Justin Ferraro ’21

    Name: Justin Ferraro

    Major: Biology

    Future Plans: Starting this June I will be working at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in their Gene Editing and Screening Lab, where I will be using CRISPR technology to perform oncology research.  This is a dream come true as I believe that gene therapy is the future of medicine and I will get to be on the cutting edge of gene editing research!  Within the next year, I plan on pursuing my masters and one day will go on to complete my PhD.  My other personal goal is to obtain my auto racing license and hopefully spend my weekends at the racetrack competing with fellow drivers!

    What drew your interest to research in biology?: I have gravitated towards the sciences since I was a child.  I was born with Hemophilia and wanted to be a doctor as to help others with conditions similar to mine.  As I progressed through college, I realized how much I loved being in the lab.  I worked with two of my professors on both genetic and molecular research projects and it fascinated me what can be uncovered through close analysis of biological systems.  That’s when I realized research was what I really loved.

    Is there one person, place or thing that inspired you during your time at Manhattan University?:  My professor Dr. Antoine Nicolas.  He was my first Biology professor at Manhattan University, and I have never felt like I had learned more in a class.  He was always there if you had a question and really showed me how to look at things with a critical lens.  His upbeat attitude and words of encouragement helped me to get where I am today in my college and future career.  He made me so excited to be a Biology major as I saw all the possibilities my degree could offer.  I cannot thank him enough for what he has done for me!