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International Student Requirements

Our location in New York, America's most international city, combined with our family-like community and small campus make Manhattan University an ideal location for international students.

Thank you for considering Manhattan University.  We appreciate the effort it takes for international students and their families to navigate the school-choice process and we are here to assist.

We are a rolling admissions office with two intakes (fall and spring).

Completed international applications can receive a decision and a scholarship award within five days of submission.

Please direct any questions to the following email:

Apply Now Schedule an Appointment with an Admissions Counselor
  • Application Checklist

    International students must provide the following:

    1. Completed Application

    • Complete and sign the application for admission. Apply Now

    2. Application Fee

    • There is a $75 non-refundable application fee.

    3. Official Transcripts

    • Applicants must submit an official secondary/high school transcript indicating courses completed and grades.
    • Transfer students must submit official college transcript(s) from all previously attended colleges/universities.

    4. Proof of English Language Ability

    • Non-native English speakers are required to demonstrate their English proficiency. This can be done in three ways:
      • TOEFL (minimum 80)
      • IELTS (minimum overall score - 6.5)
      • Duolingo (minimum overall score - 110 out of 160)
    • If the primary language of your university or college program was English, you may qualify for a waiver.

    4. Copy of Passport Photo Page

    5. Bank Statement and Affidavit or Financial Guarantee

    Please complete this affidavit of financial support for 2024-2025. 

    • Bank Statement: Total costs minus scholarship
    • Note: each sponsor must sign the CFR
  • Scholarships

    If you are an international student, you could be eligible for scholarships to help pay for the cost of your undergraduate education at Manhattan University.

    The amount of scholarship varies from $15,000 to $32,000 per academic year. We do not provide full academic scholarships.  

    Your eligibility for scholarships depends on your academic accomplishments, in addition to other factors.

    Students do not need to provide any additional information aside from the completed application to be considered for a scholarship.

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Virtual Campus Tour

Can't make it to campus? See our virtual campus tour to get a glimpse inside our classrooms, dorms and recreation facilities.

Meet International Students

Learn about some of the unique challenges international students face, and the resources to solve them at Manhattan University.