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About Us

The Mathematics and Physics department seeks to discover the workings of the Universe, learn the language for mathematical communication, and apply solutions to the human world. The Department features a collegial and supportive learning environment, small class sizes, and hands-on learning experiences. Students conduct cutting-edge research with faculty on campus and at laboratories around the world, and present their work at regional and national conferences. Join us in our mission to explore the mysteries of the Universe and solve complex problems through mathematical and physical inquiries, while developing the critical thinking skills necessary for success in whatever you choose to pursue next.

The Mathematics and Physics department offers a number of different degree programs. The B.S. degree path is for students who want a more scientifically oriented core. These paths prepare students for graduate studies in physics or mathematics, as well as careers in data science, systems engineering, and other fields. The B.A. degree path is for students who want a more liberal arts oriented core. These paths prepare students for careers such as STEM education, technical writing, patent law, medicine, or graduate studies in related fields such as economics and finance. We also offer specialized curricula for students in the Education department who will specialize in teaching mathematics or physics. More detailed information can be found on the individual program pages.

Majors & Programs

  • Mathematics

    The mathematics major begins with calculus classes, which are enhanced by MAPLE, the computer algebra system. Courses in algebra and analysis build depth.
  • Physics

    Physics and astronomy is the study of natural phenomena, from subatomic scales to the Universe at large. Physicists ask deep questions of nature and apply the solutions to the human world.