The award is named in memory of Brother Casimir Gabriel Costello, FSC (1910-92), a Manhattan University graduate who chaired its Department of History for many years and served as Dean from 1953-59. His book, The Arches of the Years, traces the history of Manhattan University from its founding until 1979.
Award Process
- Student nomination: To be considered for the Brother Gabriel Costello Teaching Award, a faculty member must be nominated by a student using the nomination form below. Faculty must have taught full-time at Manhattan University for a minimum of three years. Nominations should be submitted to the dean of liberal arts due by March 1.
- Department chair evaluation: Upon receipt of the nomination, the dean of the Kakos School of Arts and Sciences will request a brief teaching evaluation from the nominee’s department chair due by April 1.
- Nominee’s statement: The faculty member nominated will be invited to submit a brief teaching philosophy statement, sample assignment, and summary of teaching evaluations from the previous three years.
- Selection: A committee appointed by the dean of the Kakos School of Arts and Sciences will select the awardee based on the student’s nomination, chair’s evaluation, and nominee’s statement. The award will be announced at the end of Spring semester and presented before the annual Brother Gabriel Costello lecture delivered in the following fall semester.
- The award carries a stipend of $1,000.
2024 Nomination Form