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The O’Malley School of Business

A Solid Foundation

AACSB logoThe O'Malley School of Business prepares students for rewarding and exceptional careers. Our curriculum combines modern business theory with immersive, real-world practice, providing the skills you need to creatively solve the challenges of tomorrow. As one of only 5% of business schools worldwide accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), our students are sought after by many top companies, across a broad spectrum of industries.

Read a message from Don Gibson, Dean of the O'Malley School of Business here


Real-World Skills

Our largest classroom offers seating for more than 8 million people — it’s also known as New York City. We believe experiential learning plays an important role in business education. From internships, to research, to business plan projects, our degree programs offer a myriad of opportunities for students to put words and ideas into practice. This way, you graduate from Manhattan University with desirable real-world skills, making you career-ready and able to hit the ground running.

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