Tim Ward

Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dr. Tim J. Ward, P.E., is Emeritus Dean of Engineering and Professor of Civil Engineering at Manhattan College in Riverdale, The Bronx, New York City, NY.  Professor Ward received BS and MS degrees in geological engineering from the Mackay School of Mines at the University of Nevada, Reno, with emphasis in surface water hydrology.  His Ph.D. in civil engineering is from Colorado State University with emphases in hydrology, hydraulics, and geotechnical engineering.  He is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a Fellow of the Environmental & Water Resources Institute (EWRI) of ASCE, a member of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers, and a licensed professional engineer in New Mexico.  


  • PHD, Colorado State University
  • MS, U Nevada Reno
  • BS, U Nevada Reno

Courses Taught

  • CIVL 310: Introductory Geomechanics
  • CIVL 311: Soil Mechanics Laboratory
  • ENVG 507: Groundwater
  • ENVL 407: Groundwater
  • Research

    Professor Ward has expertise in the broad area of surface water hydrology with specific activities in modeling of hydrologic and hydraulic systems, field experimentation, erosion and sediment transport studies, water quality, and watershed management.  He has conducted work in most of the western United States and the countries of England, Germany, Brazil, Honduras, Kazakhstan, and India.  Dr. Ward has been principal investigator or co-principal investigator on over 50 funded research projects and has conducted or participated in over 35 consulting jobs.  He has authored or co-authored over 200 papers, reports and presentations.  For twelve years, he was co-principal investigator on an interdisciplinary team at New Mexico State University that modeled the hydrology, water quality, hydraulics, fish habitat, and recreational economics for all the river basins in New Mexico.  Dr. Ward and his colleagues were co recipients of the 1990 American Water Resources Association Boggess Award for the best paper in the Water Resources Bulletin titled "Development of an Interdisciplinary Planning Model for Water and Fishery Management."  Dr. Ward received the 2013 Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award from ASCE/EWRI in recognition of his noteworthy contributions to the advancement of hydraulic engineering in arid and semi-arid climates. 

  • Publications and Scholarly Activities

    Selected Publications

    Baker, D. W., B. Barfield, M. T. Buechter, M. L. Clar, S. E. Clark, D. D. Dee, D. Eidson, R. Field, K. F. Holbrook, K. Kabbes, C. G. Keyes, Jr., E. C. McCall, B. Noll, T. P. O’Connor, D. L. Richards, T. J. Ward, and S. E. Wildesen (Committee Members), Management Practices for Control of Erosion and Sediment from Construction Activities, ASCE Standard, ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 66-17, published by ASCE, 93 pages, © 2017, ISBN 9780784414224 

    Barrett, K. R., D. Caponigro and T. Ward, “Relationship between Curve Number and rainfall depth: Case study in New Jersey,” In Proceedings, World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2017, C. N. Dunn and B Van Weele, editors.  ASCE/EWRI. dx.doi.org/10.1061/9780784480601.015

    Hawkins, R. H., and T. J. Ward, “Expected Value of Event Runoff with Curve Number Theory,” Paper presented at the EWRI/ASCE 2012 World Environmental & Water Resources Congress: Crossing Boundaries, Albuquerque, NM, May 20-24, 2012.

     Ward, T. J., and S. M. Bolton, “Of Rainfall Simulators, Infiltration Rates, and Curve Numbers: A Southwest Experience,” In Proceedings (CD) of the EWRI/ASCE Watershed Management Conference 2010 Innovations in Watershed Management under Land Use and Climate Changes, Madison, WI, August 23-27, 2010, 12 pages. 

    Woodward, D. E., C. Hoeft, R. H. Hawkins, T. J. Ward, and J. A. Van Mullem. “Discussion of ‘Modifications to SCS-CN Method for Long-term Hydrologic Simulation’, by K. Geetha, S.K. Mishra, T.I. Eldho, A.K. Rastogi, and R.P. Pandey.” Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 136, Issue 6, June 2010, pp. 444-446.

    Hawkins, R. H., T. J. Ward, D. E. Woodward, and J. A. Van Mullem, “Continuing Evolution of Rainfall-Runoff and the Curve Number Precedent,” In Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency 4th Hydrologic Modeling Conference, Las Vegas, NV, June 27 - July 1, 2010. 7 pages. 

    Curtis, J., L. Crossey, B. Thomson, T. J. Ward, E. L. Huffman, and W. Fleming, “An Assessment of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions and Water Quality in Bluewater Creek, New Mexico.” Paper presented at the National Groundwater Association’s 2009 Ground Water Summit, Tucson, AZ, April 19-23, 2009. 

    Hawkins, R. H., T. J. Ward, D. E. Woodward and J. A. Van Mullem. “Curve Number Hydrology: State of the Practice”; Report of ASCE/EWRI Curve Number Hydrology Task Committee,” 106 pages, ISBN 978-0-7844-1004-2, © 2009. 

    Ward, T. J., S. A. Abdymanapov, A. Wilson, S. M. Shaikhin, G. Gleason, B. Thomson, Z. K. Masalimov, M. K. Myrzakhmet, V. N. Torubara, and M. Campana. “Development of the Masters of Science Degree in Environmental Management and Engineering at the Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan: A Global Partnership,” Proceedings paper presented at the International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE) 2007 – The Moving Frontiers of Engineering, Coimbra, Portugal, 02 - 07 September 2007. 

    Ward, T. J., R. A. Cole, and S. M. Bolton, “The Water Management Basis of RIOFISH: A Model for Analysis of Sportfishery Management Policy,” Chapter 24, Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology and Applications edited by Vijay P. Singh and Donald K. Frevert, Water Resources Publications, LLC, Littleton, CO, 2002, pp. 907-945 (plus program on CD). 

    Hayes, D. F., T. R. Crockett, T. J. Ward, and D. Averett, “Sediment Resuspension during Cutterhead Dredging Operations,” Journal of Coastal, Ports, and Waterways, ASCE, May/June 2000, Vol. 126, No.3, pp. 153-161. 

    Schlessinger, W. H., T. J. Ward, and J. Anderson, “Nutrient Losses in Runoff from Grassland and Shrubland Habitats in Southern New Mexico: II. Field Plots,” Biogeochemistry 49: 69-86, 2000. 

    Bathurst, J. C., A. Burton, and T. J. Ward, “Debris Flow Run-Out and Landslide Sediment Delivery Model Tests,” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 123, No. 5, May 1997. 

    Cole, R. A., K. A. Green-Hammond, F. A. Ward, T. J. Ward, and R. A. Deitner, "User's Guide for RIOFISH: A Comprehensive Management System Model for New Mexico Sportfisheries," New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Technical Completion Report No. 292, July 1995. 

    Cole, R. A., T. J. Ward, F. A. Ward. R. A. Deitner, R. W. Rodden, S. M. Bolton and K.A. Green-Hammond, "RIOFISH: A Comprehensive Management System Model for New Mexico Sportfisheries (includes Math Appendix)," New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Technical Completion Report No. 291, July 1995. 

    Bolton, S.M. and T. J. Ward, "Scale Effects of Sediment-Related Transport of Phosphorus," in "Water Science and Technology", Journal of International Association of Water Quality (formerly International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control), Vol. 28 (3-5), September 1993. 

    ASCE Task Committee on Evaluation Criteria for Watershed Models (C. F. Leaf, E. T. Engman, E. B. Jones, T. J. Ward, and A. Rango), "Criteria for Evaluation of Watershed Models," Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 119 No. 3, May/June 1993. 

    Ward, T. J., R. A. Cole, S. M. Bolton, F. A. Ward and K. A. Green-Hammond, "RIOFISH: An Interdisciplinary Planning Model for Water and Fishery Management," in Computer Techniques in Environmental Studies IV, Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York. Proceedings of ENVIROSOFT 92, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, September 7-9, 1992. 

    Bolton, S. M., T. J. Ward, and R. A. Cole, "Sediment -Related Transport of Nutrients from Southwestern Watersheds," Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 117, No. 5, September/October 1991. 

    Ward, T. J., and S. M. Bolton, "Hydrologic Parameters for Selected Soils in Arizona and New Mexico as Determined by Rainfall Simulation," New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Technical Completion Report, No. 259, July 1991. 

    Cole, R. A., F. A. Ward, T. J. Ward, and R. M. Wilson, "Development of an Interdisciplinary Planning Model for Water and Fishery Management," Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 26, No. 4, August 1990. 

    Ward, T. J., and S. B. Bolin, "A Study of Rainfall Simulators, Runoff and Erosion Processes, and Nutrient Yields on Selected Sites in Arizona and New Mexico," New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute Technical Completion Report, No. 241, April 1989. 

    Wicks, J. W., J. C. Bathurst, C. M. Johnson and T. J. Ward, "Application of Two Physically ‑ Based Sediment Yield Models at Plot and Field Scales," Proceedings of the IAHS International Symposium on Sediment Budgets, Porto Alegre, Brazil, IAHS Publication No. 199, December 1988. 

    Bolin, S. B., and T. J. Ward, "Recovery of a New Mexico Drainage Basin From A Forest Fire," In R. H. Swanson, P. Y. Bernier, and P. D. Woodward, (eds.), Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management, IAHS Publication No. 167, August 1987. 

    Bolin, S. B., T. J. Ward, and R. A. Cole, "Phosphorus Models Applied to New Mexico Reservoirs," J. of Water Resources Planning and Management, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 3, May 1987. 

    Ward, T. J., "Discussion of 'Sediment Transport Formula for Steep Channels', by G. M. Smart," J. of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 10, October 1986. 

    Wilcox, B. P., M. K. Wood, J. T. Tromble, and T. J. Ward, "A Hand-Portable Single Nozzle Rainfall Simulator Designed for Use on Steep Slopes," J. of Range Management 39 (4), July 1986. 

    Elkins, N. Z., G. V. Sabol, T. J. Ward, and W. G. Whitford, "The Influence of Subterranean Termites on the Hydrological Characteristics of a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem," OECOLOGIA (Berlin) 68, 1986. 

    Cole, R. A., T. J. Ward, F. A. Ward, and R. Deitner, "Fish Habitat can be modeled," special supplement of New Mexico Wildlife Magazine, Vol. 29, No. 4, July-August 1984. 

    Ward, T. J., R. M. Li, and D. B. Simons, "Mapping Landslide Hazards in Forest Watersheds," Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 108, No. GT2, February 1982. 

    Ward, T. J., "Review of Theme 2 - Stream Channel Dynamics and Morphology in the `Erosion and Sediment Transport in Pacific Rim Steeplands, Christchurch Symposium,' " Journal of Hydrology, New Zealand, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1981. 

    Ward, T. J., and J. S. O'Brien, "Flume Study of the Mechanics of Mudflows," Colorado State University Report CER80-81TJW-JSO2, prepared for National Science Foundation for Research Initiation Grant ENG78-05409, June 1980. 

    Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, T. J. Ward, and K. G. Eggert, "Estimation of Input Parameters for Modeling of Water and Sediment Yields," Colorado State University Report CER78-79DBS-RML-TJW-KGE50" prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, Arizona, April 1979. 

    Li, R. M., D. B. Simons, T. J. Ward, C. J. Orvis, Final Report, "Hydraulic Model Study of Flow Control Structures," Colorado State University Report CER78-79RNL-DBS-TJW-CJO51, prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, Arizona, April 1979. 

    Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, and T. J. Ward, "Mapping of Potential Landslide Areas in Terms of Slope Stability," Colorado State University Report CER78-79DBS-RML-TJWl9, prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 1978. 

    Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, and T. J. Ward, "Application of Road Sediment Models to Natural and Simulated Rainfall-Runoff Sites," Colorado State University Report CER79-80DBS-RML-TJW66, prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, Arizona, August 1978. 

    Li, R. M., D. B. Simons, T. J. Ward, and K. S. Steele, Phase I Report, "Hydraulic Model Study of Flow Control Structures," Colorado State University Report CER77-78RML-DBS-TJW-KSSl5, prepared for U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Flagstaff, Arizona, November 1977. 

    Simons, D. B., R. M. Li, and T. J. Ward, "Sources of Sediment and Impact in the Fluvial System," Chapter 7, Modeling of Rivers, edited by Hsieh Wen Shen, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1977.


  • Professional Experience and Memberships

    Manhattan College - Professor of Civil Engineering, 2008 to present; Dean of the School of Engineering, 2008-2023

    University of New Mexico - Department Chair of Civil Engineering; Assistant Vice President for Research; Professor of Civl Engineering, 1997-2008

    New Mexico State University - Program Director of Geological Engineering Program; Associate Director WERC; Associate and Full Professor of Civil and Geological Engineering, 1980-1997 

    Colorado State University - Non-tenure-track Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, 1976-1980  

  • Honors, Awards, and Grants

    Dean Emeritus of Engineering, Manhattan College, 2023

    Life Member, Ameican Society of Civl Engineers, 2016

    Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers, 1993

    Fellow, Environmental & Water Resources Insititute of the American Society of Civl Engineers, 2013

    Recipient, ASCE/EWRI Arid Lands Hydraulic Engineering Award, 2013

    Honorary Professor, L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan 2007

    Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, University of New Mexico, 2008

    New Mexico Society of Professional Engineers Outstanding Service Award 2007

    New Mexico Associated General Contractors Excellence in Construction Education Award 2003

    Frank Bromilow Excellence in Research Award & Prize, College of Engineering 1989,  New Mexico State University

    College of Engineering, University of Newcastle, England, Visiting Scholar Fellowship 1994