Remigia Kushner

Affiliated Faculty, Education

Current projects: TEAC Accreditation of the Graduate Program in School Leadership, Middle State Accreditation of Manhattan College, Chair of the Task Force on Assessment, Director, Catholic School Administrator Program, Director, Center for Leading Learning, Professional Development Programs for Principals and Teachers, Data based assessment, Technology for Teaching and Learning, Developing Professional, Differentiation of instruction for the improvement of math achievement

Courses Taught

  • EDUG 713      Methods of Educational and Psychological Research
  • EDUG 735      Educational Leadership, Decison-Making, and Change
  • EDUG 744      Contemporary Management Functions in the School
  • EDUG 745      Curriculum Development and Adaptation
  • EDUG 748      Internship/Seminar I in School Building Leadership
  • EDUG 851      Data Analysis and Report Writing in Educational & Psychological Research
  • EDUG 887      Mentored Research
  • EDUG 887      Mentored Research(Online)
  • EDUG 888      Independent Study in Research
  • EDUG 889      Internship/Seminar II in School Building Leadership
  • Publications and Scholarly Activities


    • Mutarelli, P. and Kushner, S. R. (2009). How administrators can infuse technology into their schools. In Merriman and Nicoletti, Using Technology in 21st Century Schools.
    • Kushner, S. R. (2008). Teachers as leaders. In Merriman and Nicoletti. (2008). Understanding and teachingtoday’s students.Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association
    • In Today are the Seeds of Tomorrow. Keynote, Annual Professional Development Conference. Principals of the Diocese of Rockville, Annual Professional Development Conference.
    • Principals of the Diocese of Brooklyn, Infusing Values into the Curriculum PD for LA Coordinators Diocese of Paterson           
    • Uncovering, Discovering, Distributing Talent for Leadership National Catholic  Education Annual Convention Philadelphia PA
    • Conference Keynoter: Archdiocese of Newark Principals:
    • Professional Development Curriculum Mapping St. Angela Merici Faculty
    • Keynote: New Teachers of the Archdiocese of Newark Annual Conference Day
    • Keynote: Making UBD practical for the Catholic School Educators of the Archdiocese of New York in Rockland County
    • Keynote for the Principals of the ArchDiocese of Newark: ISLLC Standard 2

    Conference speaker

    • National Catholic Educational Association Division of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education (CACE)
    • AACTE
    • MCEAP - Metropolitan Council of Educational Administration
    • CADEA - Collegiate Association for the Development of Educational Administration in New York State Programs
    • Vice President
    • President
    • Content Advisory Committee for the New York State Teacher Certifications
    • (NYSTCE) Educational Leadership Assessments Test construction SED, etc
    • Consultant Diocese of Paterson for Strategic Planning
    • Consultant: Diocese of Paterson for Principal Portfolio Evaluation
    • Consultant Diocese of Paterson ISLCC Standards for School Principals
    • Consultant Yonkers Public Schools: Academy of Learning Leaders
    • Dissertation Committee Member ST. Mary's University of MN
    • Reviewer for Journal of Catholic Ed
    • Proposal Review for Annual Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education,                
    • Consultant Lutheran Schools Association in Queens
    • Review for leadership submissions to Catholic Education:  Journal of Inquiry and Practice.                                                                          
    • Institute in Catholic Identity: collaboration with Arch/Diocesan Superintendents to provide current and pertinent information about the administration of Catholic schools to practicing and potential administrators in the tri-state area. Through religious communities, participants come from other states as well.
    • Board Member: Instructional Television of the Archdiocese of New York,
    • St. Angela Merici Board of Directors
  • Professional Experience and Memberships

    Licensed in:

    • All elementary subjects Pennsylvania
    • Secondary Math Pennsylvania
    • School Administrator and Supervisor Pennsylvania and New York
    • School District Administrator New York
    • Approved Provider of Professional Development New Jersey


    • Consultant, Paterson Diocesan Schools Consortium
    • Consultant, Paterson Diocesan Principals Development
    • National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA)
    • Speaker for national and regional conventions
    • Researcher for Department of Elementary Schools
    • Nominated for executive committee
    • Educational Excellence Network
    • Association of Catholic Leadership Programs (ACLP)
    • National Catholic Graduate Educational Leadership Programs
    • (NCGELP)  became ACLP
    • Commissioner's Advisory Council for Nonpublic Schools in NYS     
    • Steering committee for Technology in Education
    • Planning committee for 10th Anniversary Conference for
    • Non-public Schools administrators in New York State
  • Honors, Awards, and Grants

    Honors & Awards

    • Distinguished Alumna, Fordham University
    • St. Augustine School of the Arts Honors Recipient


    • Title IIA Grant
    • Middle School Grant
    • Total Quality Management Grant