Shahriar Quayyum

Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dr. Quayyum specializes in the areas of Structural Engineering and Mechanics. He is a licensed professional engineer in New York and North Carolina with more than 14 years of experience in performing analysis and design of timber, masonry and steel structures, probabilistic risk assessment and post storm damage investigations. He is interested in multidisciplinary research that is focused on enhancing the resilience of civil infrastructure through the use of innovative materials, detailed analytical and experimental studies. His research is centered towards developing improved analytical models and methods for design, evaluation, and rehabilitation of structures subjected to extreme loads.


Ph.D. - North Carolina State University

M.A.Sc. - University of British Columbia

B.Sc. - Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology 

Courses Taught

  • CIVG 505: Wood Structures
  • CIVG 732: Thesis
  • CIVL 302: Structural Analysis I
  • CIVL 305: Computer Solutions of Civil Engineering Problems
  • CIVL 409: Reinforced Concrete Design
  • CIVL 415: Civil Engineering Projects
  • CIVL 445: Wood Structures
  • ENGS 230: Introduction Solid Mechanics
  • Research
    • Failure analysis of civil infrastructure under extreme loads 
    • Hurricane and tornado resilience of wood-frame construction
    • Seismic performance enhancement of steel structures
    • Post-fire seismic performance of steel structures and condition assessment methodology
    • Welding process simulation and its impact on fatigue failure of steel structures



  • Publications and Scholarly Activities


    Vickery, P. J., Quayyum, S., Liu, F., Mudd, L. A., Lavelle, F. M., Rozelle, J., and Zuzak, C. (2023). Hazus hurricane wind model for the US Caribbean territories: Hazard modeling and development of residential damage functions. Natural Hazards Review24(4), 04023033.

    Hassan, T., and Quayyum, S. (2022). Influence of Weld Sequence on the Low-Cycle Fatigue Failure of WUF-B Connections. Journal of Structural Engineering, (in press).

    Quayyum, S., and Banik, S.S. (2021). Development of masonry wall resistances and fragilities for out-of-plane wind loads. The Masonry Society Journal, 39(1), 1-26. 

    Quayyum, S., and Kohany, T. R. (2021). Improving seismic performance of eight-bolt extended end plate moment connection. Steel and Composite Structures41(3), 403-416.

    Quayyum, S. (2021). Influence of welding on the seismic performance of moment resisting connections and implications for arctic regions. 1st International Workshop on Seismic Resilience of Arctic Infrastructure and Social Systems, Anchorage, AK.

    Quayyum, S. (2020). Parametric models for wind load resistances of wood-frame walls. Journal of Structural Engineering146(2), 04019188.

    Quayyum, S. (2019). Finite element analysis of wood-frame houses under lateral loads. Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(2), 04019147.

    Quayyum, S. (2019). Refined parametric models for wind load resistances of wood-frame walls. Engineering Structures, 183, 814-859.

    Morrison, M., Schweizer, D., Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2019). An unstiffened eight bolt extended end-plate moment connection for special and intermediate moment frames. Journal of Structural Engineering, 145(7), 04019055.

    Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2018). Seismic performance of a fire-exposed moment-resisting frame. Journal of Structural Engineering144(11), 04018206.

    Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2017). Initial residual stresses in hot-rolled wide-flange shapes: A Computational technique and influence on Structural Performances. Journal of Structural Engineering143(5), 04017013.

    Morrison, M., Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2017). Performance enhancement of eight bolt extended end-plate moment connections under simulated seismic loading. Engineering Structures151, 444-458.

    Alam, M. S., Billah, A. H. M. M., Quayyum, S., Ashraf, M., Rafi, A. N. M., & Rteil, A. (2013). Fire performance curves for unprotected HSS steel columns. Steel and Composite Structures15, 705-724.

    Quayyum, S., Alam, M. S., and Rteil, A. (2013). Seismic behavior of soft storey mid-rise steel frames with randomly distributed masonry infill. Steel and Composite Structures14(6), 523-545.

    Quayyum, S., Nazmul, I. M., Iasmin, M. M., and Amanat, K. M. (2010). Effects of randomly distributed infill on columns of reinforced concrete frames with soft ground storey. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics10(03), 555-569.

    Conference Proceedings & Presentations:

    Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2023). Numerical simulation of residual stresses in structural steel members. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials, Military Institute of Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    Hassan, T., Morrison, M.L., Quayyum, S., and Schweizer, D. (2023). Designing resilient structures and components under extreme loading conditions. 2nd International Conference on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials, Military Institute of Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

    Quayyum, S., Morrison, M.L., and Hassan, T. (2023). Seismic performance enhancement of an unstiffened eight-bolt extended end plate moment connection. Canadian Conference – Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2023). Influence of welding sequence on the seismic performance of welded steel moment connections. Canadian Conference – Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Hassan, T., Quayyum, S., Islam, N., Ahmed, R. (2023). Development of nonlinear kinematic hardening modeling concepts for simulation of low-cycle fatigue and creep responses. XVII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, Spain.

    Banik, S.S., Twisdale, L.A., Vickery, P.J., and Quayyum, S. (2017). Progressive failure of building cladding in high winds. In ANS 2017 International Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis, Pittsburg, PA.

    Twisdale, L.A., Banik, S.S., Vickery, P.J., Quayyum, S., Levitan, M., and Phan, L. (2017). Probabilistic analysis of EF scale windspeeds for tornado hazard analysis. In 2017 Americas Conference of Wind Engineering, Gainesville, Florida.

    Quayyum, S. (2016). Development of masonry wall resistances and fragilities for wind loads. In 2016 TMS Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC.

    Islam, N., Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2016). Constitutive model development for simulation of multiaxial ratcheting responses of Alloy 617. In PVP2016-63282, 2016 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, ASME, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

    Islam, N., Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2014). A unified constitutive model for high temperature multiaxial creep-fatigue and ratcheting response simulation of alloy 617. In ASME 2014 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (pp. V005T11A026-V005T11A026), American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    Quayyum, S., Pritchard, P. G., and Hassan, T. (2014). High temperature constitutive model development for Alloy 617. In ASME 2014 Symposium on Elevated Temperature Application of Materials for Fossil, Nuclear, and Petrochemical Industries (pp. 221-231), American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    Quayyum, S., and Hassan, T. (2013). Constitutive model development of Alloy 617 under high temperature multiaxial loading. In 2013 ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo, Washington, DC.

    Quayyum, S., Sengupta, M., Choi, G., Lissenden, C. J., and Hassan, T. (2013). Fatigue and ratcheting experimental responses of Alloy 617 under high temperature multiaxial loading. In ASME 2013 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (pp. V003T03A106-V003T03A106), American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

    Quayyum, S., Sengupta, M., Choi, G., Lissenden, C. J., and Hassan, T. (2014). High temperature multiaxial creep-fatigue and creep-ratcheting behavior of Alloy 617. In Challenges in Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials and Processes in Conventional and Multifunctional Materials, Volume 2 (pp. 83-97), Springer, Cham.

    Quayyum, S., and Rteil, A. (2012). A proposed design equation for the development length of FRP rebars in concrete. In 6th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Kingston Ontario, Canada.

    Quayyum, S., and Rteil, A. (2011). Bond stress-slip model for FRP rebars in concrete. In the Fourth International Conference on Durability and Sustainability of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Construction and Rehabilitation, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

    Quayyum, S., and Rteil, A. (2011). Bond strength of FRP rebar to concrete: Effect of concrete confinement. In Advances in FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (pp. 581-584), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

    Choudhury, M. R., Quayyum, S., and Amanat, K. M. (2008). Modeling and analysis of a bolted flanged pipe joint subjected to bending. In Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, WSEAS Conference, July (pp. 22-25).

     Magazine Articles:

    Wang, Q., and Quayyum, S. (2023). Flexural design of reinforced concrete beam sections according to ACI 318-19 Part 1: Section analysis. STRUCTURE Magazine.

    Wang, Q., and Quayyum, S. (2023). Flexural design of reinforced concrete beam sections according to ACI 318-19 Part 2: Section design. STRUCTURE Magazine.

  • Professional Experience and Memberships

    Research Scientist (2015-2020) - Applied Research Associates, Inc., Raleigh, NC  

    Process Modeling Scientist (2014-2015) - Corning Inc., Corning, NY 

    Member of ASCE, AISC, SEI, Sigma Xi

    Professional Engineer (PE) in North Carolina

  • Honors, Awards, and Grants


    Infusing system-level thinking and analytics into the undergraduate curriculum to create 21st century civil and environmental engineers. National Science Foundation, Division of Undergraduate Education (05/01/2022-10/31/2024)

    A Systematic Approach for Magnifying Sustainability in Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum. American Society of Engineering Education (04/27/2023-01/31/2024)

    Analysis to support specification advancement of high strength steel structural columns. American Institute of Steel Construction (12/23/2023-11/30/2025)

    Honors & Awards:

    The Masonry Society Outstanding Journal Award (2023)

    Technical Publication Winner (2020) - Applied Research Associates, Inc.

    Technical Publication Honor (2019) - Applied Research Associates, Inc.

    Technical Publication Honor (2018) - Applied Research Associates, Inc.

    Excellence Award III (2015) - Corning Inc.

    Best Poster Presentation Award (2012) - Structural Engineering and Mechanics Symposium, NCSU