Rebecca Kern

Affiliated Faculty, Communication

Dr. Rebecca Kern-Stone is a critical and cultural scholar that focuses on intersections of identity, community, and mass media. They are particularly interested in examinations of advertising, digital, and televisual platforms and the ways in which these platforms serve to inform, reinforce, and negotiate normative conceptions of identity. Prior to teaching communication, media, and advertising, Dr. Kern-Stone spent several years as a media planner and an account planner.

Courses Taught

COMM 110      Public Speaking and Presentation

COMM 101      Introduction to Mass Communication
COMM 201      Ethics in Mass Communication
COMM 215      Introduction to Advertising and Public Relations
COMM 216      Advertising and Society
COMM 230      Advertising and Communication Research

COMM 235      Advertising Agencies and Storytelling
COMM 271      Transnational Mass Communication

COMM 301      Media Theory and Research

COMM 315      Media Planning and Buying
COMM 375      Internship for Juniors
COMM 409      Senior Seminar
COMM 414      Advertising Campaigns
COMM 461      Independent Study in Communication
COMM 470      Special Topic: Gender in American Mass Media

COMM 470      Special Topic: Queer Media, Culture, and History

COMM 475      Internship for Seniors
COOP 403      Assimilating the Internship Experience

SOC 211       Popular Culture and Mass Media
SOC 316      Special Topics: in Sociology

WAGS 101    Introduction to Women and Gender Studies


  • Research

    My overall research focuses on the ways identity and community intersect with digital, televisual, and advertising formats. Currently, much of my research focuses on the use of social media as a source of unusual community dialogue. However, I like to branch out and examine community and identity in myriad different negotiations and constructions.  A master’s degree in journalism with a focus on writing, advertising, and public relations, coupled with a PhD in Mass Media and Communications and a Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies provides me with a background of knowledge I apply toward my teaching as well as my academic research.

  • Publications and Scholarly Activities
    • Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (2023). Smart assistants for smart living: Ideology and mythology in AI-powered smart speaker advertising. Journal of Communication Inquiry, (Online first). DOI: 10.1177/01968599231155612
    • Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R. (2019). Transnational Media: Concepts and Cases. New York: Wiley Blackwell.
    • Anwer, A. & Kern-Stone, R. (2019). Running while Muslim: Media representations of Muslim-Americans in U.S. politics. In L. Montalbano (Ed.),   Gender, Race, and Social Identity in American Politics. New York: Lexington Books.

    • Kern, R.  (2018). Forever imprisoned? Challenging the Gaze of Sexualization in Orange is the New Black. In K. Foss (Ed.), Media, Prison, and Experience. Southern Illinois Press.

    • Kern, R. & Gil-Egui, G. (2016). Women behaving badly: Negative posts on Facebook memorial pages. Information, Communication, & Society. DOI: 10.1080/1369118X2016.1257040
    • Gil-Egui, G., Kern, R., & Forman, A. (2016). Till death do us part? Conversations with deceased celebrities through memorial pages on Facebook. Celebrity Studies. DOI: 10.1080/19392397.2016.1259076
    • Mishra, S. & Kern, R. (2015). Persuading the Public to Lose Weight: An Analysis of a Decade (2001-2011) of Magazine Advertisements. Journal of Magazine and New Media Research.
    • Kern, R. (2014). "And now bringing you the good life - A word from our sponsors": The changing face of television advertising from the sixties to the present day. In B. Cogan & T. Gencarelli (Eds.), Baby Boomers and Popular Culture: An Inquiry into America's Most Powerful Generation  (pp. 103-115). Santa Barbara: Praeger.
    • Kern, R. (2014). Imagining community: Visibility, bonding, and L Word audiences. Sexualities, 17 (4), 434-450.
    • Kern, R. & Mishra, S. (2014). (Re) Framing gender in network news: A comparative analysis. Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 43 (6) 1-21.
    • Kern, R. & Forman, A. (2013). Stigma and salvation: Advertising HIV awareness in New York City: A case study,   Journal of Homosexuality, 60, 1143-1159.
    • Kern, R., Forman, A., & Gil-Egui, G., (2013). R.I.P. Rest in Perpetuity: Facebook ‘In Memoriam’ Pages, Telematics and Informatics, 30(1), 2-10.
    • Forman, A., Kern, R., Gil-Egui, G., (2012). Death and mourning as sources of community participation in online social networks: R.I.P. pages in Facebook, First Monday, 17(9).
    • Kern, R. (2012). Andro-phobia?: When Gender Queer Is too Queer For L-Word Audiences, in K. Ross (Ed.) The Handbook of Gender, Sex, and Media, (pp. 241-259). London: Blackwell.
    • Kern, R. (2008). Structuring the Status Quo: The L-Word and Queer Female Acceptability.” (2008). In Marian Meyers (Ed.), Women in Popular Culture: Representation and Meaning (pp. 171-184). Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

    Peer-reviewed Conference Papers:

    • Mishra, S. & Kern-Stone, R.  "Smart assistants for smart living: Ideology and mythology in AI-powered smart speaker advertising" - AEJMC (Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication), Critical and Cultural Studies Division, Detroit, MI, August 2023
    • “Forever imprisoned? Challenging the Gaze of Sexualization in Orange is the New Black.” - AEJMC (Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication), Critical and Cultural Studies Division, San Francisco, CA. August 2015.

    • “Women behaving badly: Negative posts on Facebook memorial pages.” - IPCA (International Popular Culture Association), Reykjavik, Iceland, July 2015, with G. Gil-Egui (formerly of Fairfield University, now deceased). 

    • "Lose Weight in Half the Time: Dominant Messages in a Decade of Diet and Weight Loss Magazine Advertisements" - AEJMC (Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication), Montreal, Quebec, August 2014, with S. Mishra.
    • "Till Death Do Us Part?  Conversations with Deceased Celebrities through Memorial Pages in Facebook" - IAMCR (International Association of Mass Communication Research), Dublin, Ireland, June 2013, with G. Gil-Egui and A. Forman.
    • “(Re) Framing gender in network news: A comparative analysis” – ICA (International Communication Association), Feminist Studies Division: Phoenix, Arizona, June 2012, with S. Mishra.

    • “Buying the best of times: Banana Republic and remembering the 1960s” – MEA (Media Ecology Association), Riverdale, New York, June 2012.

    • “Death and Mourning as Sources of Community Participation in Online Social Networks: R.I.P. Pages in Facebook.” Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Internet Research 12.0 Conference. Seattle, WA, October 2011.

    • “RIP: Remain in Perpetuity” (For Panel: Sustainable Communities: Cultural Expressions on Facebook), Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR) Internet Research 11.0 Conference: Sustainability, Participation, Action, Gothenburg, Sweden, October 2010.

    • “You Do Not Know Me: Sexual Identity, Consumption, and the Sign of The L-Word.” (For Panel: Refereed Research.) Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Interest Group/Critical and Cultural Studies Division), Denver, CO, August 2010.
    • “Discussion of Research and Teaching Challenges in Critical GLBT issues.” (For Invited Panel: The State of Teaching and Research in Queer Theory and Other Critical GLBT Issues.) Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Conference (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Group/ Critical and Cultural Studies Division), Washington, DC, August 2007.
    • “Consuming Katie: The Media Commodification of the First Female Network News Anchor” (first author with Suman Mishra). Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Conference (Critical and Cultural Studies Division – Poster Session), Washington, DC, August 2007.
    • “All Puffed Out: From Powerful to Passive – Images of Femininity and Sexuality in Young Adult Television.” (For Panel: “Empowerful Girls on Television: Consumerism, Sexuality, and Feminism.) Eastern Communication Association Conference (Mass Communication Division), Providence, RI, April 2007.
    • “Just How Groundbreaking Is The L-Word? Lesbians and the Future of Television.” National Communication Association Conference (GLBT Studies Division), San Antonio, TX, November 2006.
    • “Structuring the Status Quo: The L-Word and Queer Female Acceptability.” Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Conference (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Interest Group), San Francisco, CA, August 2006.
    • “Can Massachusetts Serve as a Model? A Case Study Analysis of Same-Sex Marriage Law.” American Studies Association, Mid-Atlantic Conference, Harrisburg, PA, March 2006.
    • “Structuring the Status Quo: The L-Word and Queer Female Acceptability.” Graduate Competitive Research Forum, Temple University, School of Communications and Theater, Philadelphia, PA, February 2006.
    • The L-Word Media Coverage: A Textual Analysis of Queer Female Representations and Themes in Print.” International Communication Association Conference (Feminist Studies Division/Queer Studies), New York, NY, May 2005.
    • “A New Stereotype: Feminine Representations of Lesbians on The L-Word.” Popular Culture Association Conference (Feminist Studies Division), San Diego, CA, March 2005.
  • Professional Experience and Memberships

    I spent over eight years in advertising agencies and advertising sales before returning to study for and receive my PhD.  I have worked in big and small firms, and with all sorts of clients.  Since my undergraduate degree was in Studio Art, I had the ability to work closely with different departments in small agencies, often acting as a liasion between the client and art department.  In large agencies I found my niche as a media planner and strategic planner.  This is from where my love of research and audiences ultimately stems. 

    Professional Memberships

    • International Association for Mass Communication Research
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Member: Critical and Cultural Studies Division, Advertising Division, LGBTQ Interest Group
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication , Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2020-present Social Media Coordinator (Induction at 2020 AEJMC Virtual Conference)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication , Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2014-2015 Division Head  (Induction at 2014 AEJMC Conference in Montreal, QC)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication , Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2013-2014 Vice Head and Program Head (Induction at 2013 AEJMC Conference in Washington D.C.)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2011-2013 Secretary and Mid-winter Conference Chair. (Induction at 2011 AEJMC Conference in St. Louis, MO.)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2010-2011 Research Chair. (Induction at 2010 AEJMC Conference in Denver, CO.)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2009-2010 Teaching Standards Chair. (Induction at 2009 AEJMC Conference in Boston, MA.)
    • Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, GLBT Interest Group 2007-2008 Newsletter Editor. (Induction at 2007 AEJMC Conference in Washington, DC.)
  • Honors, Awards, and Grants
    • 2nd Place Top Faculty Paper 2022 Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Critical and Cultural Studies Division.
    • Top Paper Reviewer 2010 - Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Critical and Cultural Studies Division.
    • 2013 Summer Faculty Grant - Manhattan College
  • Other

    Faculty Director: Women and Gender Resource Center

    Faculty Advisor: Manhattan College chapter of the American Advertising Federation

    Steering Committee and Board Member: MC Pride Center

    Submission Reviewer for the following Journals: Communication Monographs, Communication, Culture, and Critique, Feminist Media Studies, Information, Communication, and Society, Journal of Homosexuality, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Gender, Place, and Culture, Sage Open, Social Media and Society

    Article editor: Sage Open