Paul Droubie

Assistant Professor, History


  • PHD, University of Illinois
  • MA, University of Illinois
  • BA, U. of Minnesota: Twin Cities

Courses Taught

HIST 150      Roots: History - Nationalism and Empire
HIST 200      Introduction to the Study of History
HIST 218      World History Since 1600
HIST 218      World History Since 1600 (Ed)
HIST 240      East Asian Civilizations
HIST 312      Modern China 1839 - Now
HIST 328      Cold War Diplomacy in Asia
HIST 348      Modern Japan
HIST 498      Ind Sty:Hist Manhattan College
HIST 498      Independent Study
LLRN 203      Roots: History

  • Research
    • Modern Japan, Sports, Nationalism, National Identity, Mass Media
  • Publications and Scholarly Activities
    • Currently revising dissertation, “Playing the Nation: 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics and Japanese National Identity,” for publication.
    • "Phoenix Arisen: Japan as Peaceful Internationalist at the 1964 Tokyo Summer Olympics." International Journal for the History of Sports, 2011.
    • "Foreign and Domestic Bodies: Sexual Anxieties and Desires at the Tokyo Olympics" in The East Asian Olympiads, 1934-2008: Building Bodies and Nations in Japan, Korea, and Japan, edited by William M. Tsutsui and Michael Baskett, 77-86. Leiden, The Netherlands: Global Oriental Ltd./Brill, 2011.
    • Review of Christopher P. Hood, “Shinkansen: From Bullet Train to Symbol of Modern Japan” for The Social Science Japan Journal, no. 9 (October 2006).