Danesh-Yazdi A.H., Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2015, “Fluidic energy harvesting beams in grid turbulence”. Experiments in Fluids 56 (8), 1-14.
Goushcha O., Akaydin H. D., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2015, “Energy harvesting prospects in turbulent boundary layers by using piezoelectric transduction”, Journal of Fluids and Structures 54, 823-847.
Goushcha O., 2015, “A Green’s function approach to PIV Pressure estimates with an application to micro energy harvesters in turbulent and vortical flows,” Ph. D. THesis, The City College of New York.
Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., “Interactions of vortices with a flexible beam with applications in fluidic energy harvesting”, Applied Physics Letters, 104 (2), 021919.
Catrakis H.J, Apelian T., Goushcha O., Puga A., Hartwig D., 2011, “Active control of flow separation on a hemisphere with plasma forcing,” AIAA Paper 3991.
Catrakis H.J, Apelian T., Goushcha O., Puga A., Hartwig D., 2010, “Flow Visualization and Dynamics on a Hemisphere Mounted on a Surface,” International Review of Aerospace Engineering, 3(6).
Goushcha O., 2010, “The Effect of Initial Integral Scale on the Mixing of Passive Scalar in Grid-generated Turbulence,” M.S. Thesus. University of California, Irvine.
Andreopoulos Y., Elvin N., Goushcha O., 2016, “Fluidic energy harvester using active material,” U.S. Patent 20160087556.
Gharib M., Adams J., Bergheim B., Piotrowski A.E., Pham M., Goushcha O., 2011, “Apparatus and methods for root canal treatments,” US Patent 20120276497.
Danesh-Yazdi A., Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2015 “Non-Linear Aerodynamic Coupling of Piezoelectric Harvesters in Grid Turbulence.” 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, Boston.
Gomez J., Azadeh Ranjbar V., Goushcha O., Andreopoulos Y., Elvin N., 2015, “Fluidic harvesters in free stream turbulence undergoing flow-induced vibrations or flutter.” 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, Boston.
Vogel A., Morvan T., Goushcha O., Andreopoulos Y., 2015, “Flow structure interaction between a flexible cantilever beam and isotropic turbulence,” 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, Boston.
Danesh-Yazdi A., Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2014, “Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters in Isotropic Turbulence,” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, San Francisco.
Goushcha O., Ganatos P., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2014, “A Green’s function approach to PIV Pressure estimates,” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, San Francisco.
Azadeh Ranjbar V., Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2014, “Constructive interference in arrays of energy harvesters in fluid flows,” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, San Francisco.
Danesh-Yazdi A., Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2013, “Performance of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters in Isotropic Turbulence,” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, Pittsburgh.
Goushcha O., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2013, “Estimating the pressure forcing on a flexible piezoelectric beams exerted by a passing vortex using time-resolved PIV data,” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, Pittsburgh.
Goushcha O., Akaydin H.D., Elvin N., Andreopoulos Y., 2012, “Interaction of vortices with flexible piezoelectric beams,” 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, American Physics Society, San Diego.