Grabowski, M. (2025). Ethics of Virtual Reality: Technology and Experience. New York: Lexington Books.
Grabowski, M. (2018). "A Cognitive Approach to Producing the Documentary Interview." In C. Brylla and M. Kramer, Cognitive Theory and Documentary Film. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Grabowski, M. (2016). Foreword. In L.R. Antunes, The Multisensory Film Experience: A Cognitive Model of Experiential Film Aesthetics. Bristol, UK: Intellect.
Grabowski, M. (Ed.). (2015). Neuroscience and Media: New Understandings and Representations. London & New York: Routledge.
Grabowski, M. (2014). "Boomers in the Global Village." In Baby Boomers and Popular Culture, eds. Brian Cogan and Thom Gencarelli, 67-81. Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger, 2014.
Grabowski, M. (2014). "Resignation and Positive Thinking in the Working-Class Family Sitcom," Atlantic Journal of Communication, 22:2, 124-137, DOI: 10.1080/15456870.2013.842573
Naaeke, A., Kurylo, A., Grabowski, M., Linton, D., and Radford, M.L. (2011). "Insider and Outsider Perspective in Ethnographic Research," Proceedings of the New York State Communication Association: Vol. 2010, Article 9. Available at:
Grabowski, M. (2010). “Books 1.0: The Enduring Legacy of the Printed Word.” In D. Harmon (Ed.), Pop Culture Universe: Icons, Idols, Ideas. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO.
Grabowski, M. (2008). “Lessons in Appealing to the Young Non-voter: Michael Moore’s Slackers Uprising Tour.” In B. Cogan & T. Kelso (Eds.), Mosh the Polls (pp. 95-118). New York: Lexington.
Grabowski, M. (2002). “Merchants of Cool.” Rushkoff, D. (Prod./Dir.). Explorations in Media Ecology, 1 (2), 154-155. [Review].
Conference Papers:
- "Reality Status Assertions of Documentary VR." Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT, June 2018
“Bordwell’s Poetics and Perception of VR: The Problem of Medium.” Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image Conference, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, June 2017
“Perception and Poetics of VR Documentary.” ZDOK17: Being There, Zürich University of the Arts, Switzerland, March 2017,
- "Press Play: A Media Ecological Analysis of Gaming YouTube Videos.” Media Ecology Association 2016 Annual Convention, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, June 2016
- "The Cognitive Study of Direct-address YouTube Videos." Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image Conference, University of London, London, UK, June 2015.
- "An Ecological Model of Time in the Brain and on Film." National Communication Association, November 2012.
- "Understanding PECMA: Joining Media Ecology and Embodied Cinema." Society for Cognitive Studies of the Moving Image Conference, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY, June 2012.
- "Neurophysiological Correlates of Perception within Symbolic Environments." Media Ecology Association 2012 Annual Convention, Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY, June 2012.
- "The Voices on the Screen Become the Voices in Our Heads: An Ecological Model of Mediated Narratives." National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, November 2011.
- “Biases of Digital Communication: Obscured Realities and the End of Frontier.” Media in Transition Conference 6: Stone and Papyrus, Storage and Transmission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, April 2009.
- “Honesty, Ownership and Justice: Understanding the Cultural and Social Mores Influencing Students’ Perceptions of Copyright.” Media in Transition Conference 5: Creativity, Ownership and Collaboration in the Digital Age, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, April 2007.
- “Appealing to the Young Non-voter: Michael Moore’s Slacker Tour.” Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2005.
- “Understanding Media Teaching: Effective Strategies For Integrating Theory And Production.” Eastern Communication Association Conference, Boston, MA, April 2004. [Short Course].
- Moderator & Presenter: “Digital Video vs. Film: A Technical Comparison.” New York New Media Association DV Expo, Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, June 2003.
- “See It Now: Creating a Political Community through Television.” Eastern Communication Association, New York, NY, April 2002.
- “Public Service or Nuisance? Television Newsmagazine Programs and their Audiences.” National Communication Association, Atlanta, GA, November 2001.
Other Scholarly Activities:
- Spring 2008 Scholar-in-Residence, New York University Center for Neural Science