Michael Antolik
Courses Taught
GOVT 150 Roots: Government
GOVT 222 Power in the City
GOVT 340 Government and Politics of Asia
GOVT 357 United States Foreign Policy
GOVT 455 Sem: Diplomacy
GOVT 455 Seminar: Diplomacy
INTL 405 Sem:Conflict Resolution
INTL 405 Sem:Diplomacy
INTL 405 Senior Sem: Diplomacy
INTL 405 Senior Sem:Conflict Resolution
INTL 405 Sr Sem: Diplomacy
INTL 405 Sr Sem:Conflict Resolution
INTL 450 Ind Study Bolivia
INTL 450 Tutorial
INTL 450 Tutorial: UN Gnrl Asmbly/Syria
LLRN 121 Roots: Government
PEAC 401 Senior Seminar in Peace
SPAN 320 Special Topics: in Hispanic Culture Studies
URBN 402 Ind Sty: Urban Affairs