Depasquale, L. & Toscano, L. (2009). The spring scale test: A reliable and valid tool for explaining fall history. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 32 (4) 159-167.
Toscano, L. , Jennings, A., & Clemente, F. (2008). Fostering resiliency in teacher education. Excelsior Spring/Summer 2 (2), pp. 91-98.
Toscano, L. & Clemente, F. (2008). Dogs, cats, and kids: Integrating yoga into elementary physical education. Strategies: A journal for physical educators and sport educators. March/April 21 (4) p 15 -19.
Cherubini, J. & Toscano, L. (2008). Health and wellness of today students. In Merriman, W. & Nicoletti, A. (Eds.) NCEA. Understanding and teaching today’s students.
Hajart, A., Toscano, L., Horsley, K. & DelRe, L. (2007). Function, benefits, and development of athletic training student organizations. Athletic training today. 12(1), pp. 31-34.
Toscano, L. (2005) Endurance. In Levinson, D. and Christensen, K. (Eds.) Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport, (pp.) Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing. (invited and reviewed by editors)
Ladda, S. Keating T., Adams, D. & Toscano, L. (2004). Including technology in instructional programs. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 75, (4) 12-13 & 56.
Keating, T. & Toscano, L. (2003). Is the valsava maneuver a proper breathing technique? National Strength and Conditioning Journal, 25,(4) 52 & 53.
Conference Papers:
The effect of a typical in season practice session on peak ground reaction forces and select kinematic variables in women’s division I basketball. (Poster Presentation) American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM), National Convention. Las Vegas, Nevada, July, 2011.
Jasperfit: A personalized fitness program. American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, National Convention San Diego California, March/April 2011..
ACL Injury Risk Assessment and Prevention for the Health Professional. American College of Sports Medicine 2010 Spring Conference, New York, NY, March, 2010.
Knee Injuries and the Female Athlete. American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, National Convention Indianapolis, Indiana, March, 2010.
Achieving meaning and purpose through movement: Celebrating the SPIRIT of mind and body. National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in higher Education. Scottsdale, Arizona, January 2010.
Knee Injuries and the Female Athlete. NYS Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Recreation and Dance, Syracuse, NY, 2009.
The female athlete and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). NYS Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, South Eastern Zone Election Day Conference. White Plains, NY Nov. 2009
The Spring Scale Test: A Reliable and Valid tool for Explaining Fall History. American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). (Poster Presentation) Baltimore, MD. June 2009.
Big City, Big Classes: Idea to increase Active learning time. NationalAssociation for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, Tampa Fla.April 2009.
Contemporary forces impacting direct and future trends in physical education and exercise science. Presented at National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in higher Education. Sarasota, Fla. Jan. 2009
The Relationship Among Measures of Fitness, Stage of Change, and Exercise Motivation in Wellness Program Participation. Association of Applied Sports Psychology, St. Louis, Missouri, Sept. 2008.
*Talking the Talk, Walking the Walk: Role Modeling and Ethical Decision Making in Professional Preparation of Physical educators and Exercise Scientist. National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education. Albuquerque, New Mexico Jan. 2008
Squaring to the Rap. Presented at New York City American Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Brooklyn, New York. July, 2007.
Fostering Resiliency Through Education: A commitment to excellence in our schools. Kappa Delta Pi International Convention. Louisville, Kentucky, November 2007.
Exercise Adherence: Stress and depression in student athletes. Pascak Valley Hospital Sports Medicine Conference. New Jersey, April, 2007.
Dispositions and resiliency: Developing student leaders. National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education. Clearwater Fla. Jan. 2007.
Dogs, Cats, and Kids: Integrating Yoga into an Elementary School Program. New York State Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance. Annual Convention. Rye, New York, Nov. 2006.
Personal Effectiveness and Resilient Leadership. Diocese of Rockville Centre Education Dept. Administrators Conference. Long Island, NY Sept. 2006.
Resilient Leadership. Diocese of Newark, Administrators Annual Conference. Newark, New Jersey October, 2006.
Are Accreditors Moving us in the Right Direction in Physical Education Teacher Preparations and Exercise Science for the 21st Century? National Association for Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education Annual Conference, Tucson Arizona, Jan. 2005.