Heidi Laudien

Associate Professor, English


  • PHD, University of Maryland: Colleg
  • MED, George Washington University
  • MA, McGill University
  • BA, McGill University

Courses Taught

ENGL 211      Written Communication

ENGL 248      Masterworks in British Literature

ENGL 309      Beowulf to 1674
ENGL 260      Comedy and Tragedy
ENGL 292      Literary London
ENGL 323      Studies in Eighteenth-Century British Literature
ENGL 365      Children's Literature
LLRN 102      Classical Origins: Western Culture

  • Research

    British women's pastoral poetry of the 17th and 18th century; feminist theory.  My major project centers on the poetry of three women writers, Aphra Behn, Anne Finch, and Elizabeth Singer Rowe and their contributions to the pastoral.

  • Publications and Scholarly Activities
    • "Grasses, Groves, and Gardens: Aphra Behn Goes Green." Eighteenth-Century Women: Studies in their Lives, Work, and Culture. Forthcoming.
    • "Birthing the Poet: Elizabeth Singer Rowe and 'The Athenian Mercury.' 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquirires in the Early Modern Era. AMS Press Vol. 22 (2015):1-17.
    • "Reading Desire in the Pastorals of Elizabeth Singer Rowe." Women's Writing.Vol.19.4 Cambridge UP (2012).
    • "Philomela's Pastorals: Reading Elizabeth Rowe." Northern Plains Conference Proceedings on Early British Literature. Ed. Stephen Hamrick (2007): 143-59.
    • "Ladies of the Shade:  The Pastoral Poetry of Aphra Behr and Elizabeth Singer Rowe."  Eds. Pilar Cuaer-Dominguez, Zenon Luis-Martinez, and Juan A.Prieto-Pablos.Heulva:  Universidad de Heulva, (2006): 43-63.
    • "Aphra Behn: Pastoral Poet." Women's Writing. Vol.12.1. Cambridge UP (2005): 43-58.
    •  "From Pastoral to 'Pastorelle': A New Context for Reading Aphra Behn, Aphra Behn: Identity, Alterity, Ambiguity." Eds. Mary Ann O'Donnell, Bernard Dhuicq, and Guyonne Leduc. Paris: L'Harmattan Press, (2000): 91-99.

    Book Chapters:

    • "A Lasallian Commitment to the Arts and Liberal Arts." Exploring, Experiencing, Envisioning Integration in the Arts. Palgrave Macmillan. Forthcoming.