Frank Henry
Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Henry has spent more than 40 years in academia and began his career with Manhattan College in 2010. His teaching interests include: Computational Fluid Dynamics, Biofluid Mechanics, HVAC, Thermal/fluid Mechanics, and Numerical Analysis.
For many years, Henry has conducted research in many aspects of lung flow. He has collaborated on the numerical modeling of flow and particle transport in the lung periphery, and on transport in the infant lung.
Throughout his career, Henry has taught and been involved in research at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; City, University of London; The University of Tulsa; Brunel University London; and University of Notre Dame.
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Thames Polytechnic (now University of Greenwich), London, 1974.
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., 1977.
- Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., 1979.
Courses Taught
- ENGS 116 Introduction to Engineering Computation
- ENGS 206 Statics
- MECH 314 Engineering Analysis and Numerical Methods
- MECH 318 Fluid Mechanics I
- MECH 319 Fluid Mechanics II
- MECH 323 Machine Design
- MECH 401 Mechanical Engineering Design I
- MECH 402 Mechanical Engineering Design II
- MECH 405 Thermal/Fluids Laboratory
- MECH 422 Thermal/Fluids System Design
- MECH 427 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering - Biofluid Mechanics
- MECG 525 Analysis and Design HVAC Systems
- MECG 515 Energy Dynamics of Green Building
- MECG 536 Applied Biofluid Mechanics
- MECG 704 Computational Fluid Mechanics
- Biofluid flows
- Pulmonary mechanics
- Air and land vehicle aerodynamics
- Flow control
Publications and Scholarly Activities
M. W. Kim,
S. H. Yu, U. Yang, R. Nukiwa, H. J. Cho, N. S. Kwon, M. J. Yong, N. H. Kim, S. H. Lee, J. H. Lee, J. H. Lim, Y. Kohmura, T. Ishikawa, F. S. Henry, Y. Imai, S. S. Oh, H. J. Hwang, A. Tsuda, J. H. Je, Alveolar Microdynamics during Tidal Ventilation in Live Animals Imaged by SPring-8 Synchrotron. Adv. Sci. 2024, 2306256. Masoumi, M., Estejab, B. & Henry, F. Implementation of machine learning techniques for the analysis of wave energy conversion systems: a comprehensive review. J. Ocean Eng. Mar. Energy (2024).
Tsuda A and Henry FS. Editorial: The effect of heterogeneity of the network of alveolar wall tissue on airflow, interstitial flow and lung biology. Front. Netw. Physiol. 3:1272172. doi: 10.3389/fnetp.2023.1272172, 2023.
Arsic B, Saveljic I, Henry FS, Filipoviv N, and Tsuda A. Application of Machine Learning for Segmentation of the Pulmonary Acinus Imaged by Synchrotron X-Ray. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2023 36:1, 27-33.
Tsuda A, and Henry FS “Chaotic mixing and its role in enhancing particle deposition in the pulmonary acinus: A review.” In Cardiovascular and Respiratory Bioengineering. Edited by Nenad Filipovic, 169-185. Elsevier Inc., 2022.
Tsuda A, and Henry FS. Comment on “’Microflow in a rhythmically expanding alveolar chip with dynamic similarity’ by H. Lv, J. Dong, Y. Qiu, Y. Yang and Y. Zhu, Lab Chip, 2020, 20, 2394”. DOI: 10.1039/d0lc00884b, 2021.
Tsuda A, and Henry FS "Deposition of Submicron Particles by Chaotic Mixing in the Pulmonary Acinus: Acinar Chaotic Mixing." In Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing. edited by Veljko Milutinović , and Miloš Kotlar, 145-161. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7156-9.ch011
Kenjeres, S., Henry, F.S. & Tsuda, A. Is Current Social Distancing Enough?. Ann Biomed Eng (2021).
Henry, F.S. and A. Tsuda. Onset of alveolar recirculation in the developing lungs and its consequence on nanoparticle deposition in the pulmonary acinus. Journal of Applied Physiology DOI: 10.1152/japplphysiol.01161.2014, 2016
Tsuda A, and Henry FS “Deposition,” Nanoparticles in the Lung: Environmental Exposure and Drug Delivery, A Tsuda and P Gehr, Eds., CRC Press, 2015.
Tsuda A, and Henry FS “The Developing Lungs,” Nanoparticles in the Lung: Environmental Exposure and Drug Delivery, A Tsuda and P Gehr, Eds., CRC Press, 2015.
Tsuda A, Henry FS, Butler JP. Particle transport and deposition. Comprehensive Physiology, Oct 1;3(4):1437-71, 2013 (doi: 10.1002/cphy.c100085).
Henry, FS, Haber, S, Haberthür, D, Filipovic, N, Milasinovic, D, Schittny, J, Tsuda A. The simultaneous role of an alveolus as flow mixer and flow feeder for the deposition of inhaled submicron particles. ASME J. Biomech. 134(12):121001, 2012 (doi: 10.1115/1.4007949).
Henry FS, Llapur, CJ, Tsuda, A, and Tepper, RS. Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Peripheral Airway Asymmetry and Ventilation in the Human Adult Lung. ASME J. Biomech 134(6):061001, 2012 (doi: 10.1115/1.4006809)
Semmler-Behnke M, Kreyling WG, Schulz H, Takenaka S, Butler JP, Henry FS, Tsuda A. Nanoparticle delivery in infant lungs, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 109(13):5092-5097, 2012 (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1119339109).
Henry FS, Tsuda A. Low Reynolds number flow in an expanding alveolated duct. Transactions on Internet Research: Computational Bioengineering. 7(2):2-5, 2011
Henry, F.S. and A. Tsuda. Radial transport along the human acinar tree. ASME J. Biomech. 132(10):101001, 2010.
Henry FS, Laine-Pearson FE, Tsuda A. Hamiltonian chaos in a model alveolus. ASME J. Biomech. Eng. 131(1):011006, 2009.
Tsuda, A, Henry, FS, Butler, JP. Gas and Aerosol Mixing in the Acinus. Respir. Physiol. Neurobiol. 163(1-3):139-49, 2008.
Henry, F.S. and A. Tsuda. Deposition of Nanoparticles in the Infant Lung. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm 2007.
Henry, F.S. and A. Tsuda. Nano-Particle deposition in the developing acinus. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 175:A937, 2007.
Henry, F.S., F.E. Laine-Pearson, and A. Tsuda. Chaotic Motion in a Rigid Model Alveolus. NNIN Conference -Synergy Between Experiment and Computation in Nanoscale Science. Harvard University. Cambridge, May 30-June 3, 2006.
Tsuda, A., J.P. Butler, and F.S. Henry. Aerosol deposition and the shape of the interface between tidal air and residual air at end inspiration. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 172(3):A707, 2006.
Henry, F.S., A. Tsuda, C.J. Llapur, and R.S. Tepper. Single trumpet computational model of inert gas washout in infants. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 172(3):A680, 2006.
Tsuda, A., F.S. Henry, and J.P. Butler. Complex flow and aerosol deposition in the pulmonary acinus. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Copenhagen 2005.
Tsuda, A. and F.S. Henry. The role of postnatal structural alveolation on acinar fluid mechanics and aerosol deposition kinetics. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 171:A236, 2005.
Hydon, P.S., F.S. Henry, and A. Tsuda. Hamiltonian chaos in a model alveolus. 14th European Biomechanics Conference, 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands 2004. (invited)
Karl, A., Henry, F.S., and Tsuda, A. Low Reynolds Number Viscous Flow in an Alveolated Duct, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 4, 2004.
Küpper, C., and Henry, F.S. Numerical Study of Air-Jet Vortex Generators in a Turbulent Boundary Layer, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 27, No. 5, 359-377, 2003.
Henry, F.S., Butler, J.P., and Tsuda, A. Kinematically Irreversible Acinar Fluid Mechanics: a departure from the classical dispersive transport, Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 92, 835-845, 2002.
Henry, F.S., Küpper, C., and Lewington, N.P. Simulation of Flow through a Miller Cuff Bypass Graft, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Bioengineering, Vol. 5, No. 3, 207-217, 2002.
Tsuda, A., J.P. Butler, and F.S. Henry. Stretch-and-fold fractal-like aerosol bolus spreading in the rythmically expanding alveolated duct. Fourth World Congress of Biomechanics, Calgary, 2002. (invited)
Küpper, C., and Henry, F.S. "Numerical Simulation of Flow in a Circular Duct fitted with Air-Jet Vortex Generators," The International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 38 No. 10, 919-943, 2002.
Tsuda, A., R.A. Rogers, F.S. Henry, and J.P. Butler. Fractal Mixing in the Pulmonary Acinus. BME Society Conference, Durham, NC 2001. (invited)
Lewington, N.P., Henry, F.S., Peake, D.J., and Singh, C. “Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Air-jet Vortex Generators in Streamwise Pressure Gradients,” The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 105, No. 1049, 401-407, 2001.
Küpper, C., and Henry, F.S. “Effect of Graft Curvature on the Flow in Miller Cuff Anastomoses,” Proc. 2001 Bioengineering Conference, Eds. R. Kamm, et al., BED-Vol. 50, 491-492, ASME, 2001.
Henry, F.S. “Simulation of Flow through Model Stented Arteries,” Proc. 2001 Bioengineering Conference, Eds. R. Kamm, et al., BED-Vol. 50, 329-330, ASME, 2001.
Tsuda, A., Henry, F.S., Rogers, R.A. and Butler, J.P. “Chaotic Mixing of Aerosols in Rhythmically Expanding Acinus,” Proc. 2001 Bioengineering Conference, Eds. R. Kamm, et al., BED-Vol. 50, 345-346, ASME, 2001.
Tsuda, A., J.P. Butler, and F.S. Henry. Particle trapping by alveolar recirculation flow in a rhythmically expanding pulmonary acinus. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 163(5):A165, 2001.
Küpper, C., and Henry, F.S. "A Numerical Study of the Application of Vane and Air-Jet Vortex Generators," The Aeronautical Journal, Vol. 105, No. 1047, 255-265, 2001.
Peake, D.J., Henry, F.S., Lewington, N.P., Kokkalis, A., and Perry, J., “The Application of Air-jet Vortex Generators to Control the Flow on Helicopter Rotor Blades,” Proc. European Rotorcraft Forum, September, 2000.
Peake, D.J., Henry, F.S., and Pearcey, H.H. . “Flow Control with Air Jet Vortex Generators,” Paper No. 99-3175. 17th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, 28 June- 1 July, 1999, Norfolk, Virginia.
Xu, X.Y., Henry, F.S., and White, G. “Flow Characteristics in a Model of Human Airways Under Conditions of Submarine Escape,” Proc. Third World Congress of Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, 2-8 August, 1998.
Iudicello, F., Henry, F.S., How, T.V. “A Numerical Study of Wall Shear Stress in a Distal Miller Cuff Graft Anastomosis,” Proc. Third World Congress of Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, 2-8 August, 1998.
Henry, F.S., “A Compliant Model of Flow in a Stented Artery” Proc. Third World Congress of Biomechanics, Sapporo, Japan, 2-8 August, 1998.
Peake, D.J., Henry, F.S., and Lush, P.A. “Flow Control by Air Jet Vortex Generators,” Proc. Conference on Passive and Active Flow Control. The Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 6-7 July, 1998.
Henry, F.S. and How, T.V. “Physical and Numerical Models of a Distal Vascular Graft Anastomosis with a Vein Cuff,” Proc. 1997 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, June 11-15, 1997.
Henry, F.S. and Tsuda, A. “Convective Intra- & Inter-Alveolar Aerosol Mixing in a Rhythmically Expanding Alveolated Duct ,” Proc. 1997 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sunriver, Oregon, June 11-15, 1997.
Iudicello, F., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., Salmons, S, Sarti, A., and Lamberti, C. “Comparison of Haemodynamic Structures between a Skeletal Muscle Ventricle and the Human Left Ventricle,” Internal Medicine, Vol. 5, 1-10 1997.
Henry, F.S., Shortland, A.P., Iudicello, F., Black, R.A., Jarvis, J.C., Collins, M.W., and Salmons, S. "Flow in a Simple Model Ventricle: Comparison between Numerical and Physical Simulations," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 119, No. 1, 13-19, 1997.
Tsuda, A., Henry, F.S., Otani, Y., Haber, S., and Butler, J.P. "Aerosol Transport and Deposition in the Rhythmically Expanding Pulmonary Acinus, J. Aerosol Med., Vol. 9, No. 3, 389‑408, 1996
Iudicello F., Henry F.S., Collins M.W., Shortland A., Jarvis J.C., Black R. and Salmons S. "Flow and Particle Paths in Three‑dimensional Model Skeletal Muscle Ventricles," 1996 Advances in Bioengineering, S. Rastegar, ed., BED‑Vol 30, 467-468, ASME, 1996
Henry, F.S. and Tsuda, A. "Stretching‑and‑folding Convective Mixing Induced by Chaotic Alveolated Duct Flow," 1996 Advances in Bioengineering, S. Rastegar, ed., BED‑Vol 30, 73-74, ASME, 1996
Henry, F.S., Hughes, P.E., How, T.V. and Collins M.W. "Numerical Investigation of the Flow in Proximal and Distal End‑to‑Side Anastomoses," ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 118 No. 3 302‑310, 1996.
Iudicello F., Henry F.S., Collins M.W., Shortland A., Jarvis J.C., Black R. and Salmons S. “Numerical Simulation of the Flow in Model Skeletal Muscle Ventricles,” Proc. Third CFX International Users Conference, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 1996, 541-558.
Iudicello, F., Collins, M.W., Henry, F.S., Jarvis, J.C., Shortland, A.P., Black, R.A., and Salmons, S. "A Review of Modelling for Arterial Vessels - Simplified Ventricular Geometries," Proc. Advances in Fluid Mechanics, 11-13 June, New Orleans, USA, 179-194, 1996.
Shortland, A.P., Black, R.A., Jarvis, J.C., Henry, F.S., Iudicello, F., Collins, M.W., and Salmons, S. "Formation and Travel of Vortices in Model Ventricles: Application to the Design of Skeletal Muscle Ventricles," Journal of Biomechanics Vol. 29 No. 4 503‑511, 1996.
Henry, F.S. "The Effect of Wall Compliance on Separated Arterial Flow," Annals of Biomedical Engineering- Special Abstract Issue Vol. 23, Sup. 1, S‑37, 1995.
Tsuda, A., Butler, J.P, Henry, F.S., Haber, S., Godleski, J., and Okabe, K. "Chaotic Mixing of Acinar Flow in the Pulmonary Acinus," Annals of Biomedical Engineering- Special Abstract Issue Vol. 23, Sup. 1, S‑9, 1995.
Tsuda, A., Henry, F.S., and Butler, J.P. "Chaotic Mixing of Alveolated Duct Flow in Rhythmically Expanding Pulmonary Acinus," Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 79, No. 3, 1055‑1063, 1995.
Akanni, S.D., and Henry, F.S. "Numerical Modeling for Air Jet Vortex Generators in Turbulent Boundary Layers," Proc. CEAS European Forum ‑ High Lift and Separation Control, University of Bath, UK, 29‑31 March, 16.1‑16.12, Royal Aeronautical Society, London, 1995.
Henry, F.S. and Pearcey, H.H. "Numerical Model of Boundary‑layer Control using Air‑jet Generated Vortices," AIAA Journal, Vol. 32, No. 12, 2415‑2425, 1994.
Henry, F.S., Iudicello, F., Shortland, A., Jarvis, J.C., Black, R.A., Collins, M.W., and Salmons, S. "Modelling Wall‑driven Cardiovascular Flows," 1994 Advances in Bioengineering, M.J. Askew, ed., BED‑Vol 28, 399‑400, ASME, 1994.
Henry, F.S., Tsuda, A., and Butler, J.P., "Acinar Flow Patterns in a Rhythmically Expanding Alveolated Duct," 1994 Advances in Bioengineering, M.J. Askew, ed., BED‑Vol 28, 377‑378, ASME, 1994.
Henry, F.S., Hughes, P.E., How, T.V. and Collins M.W. "Flow Details and Fluid Particle Paths in Model By‑pass Grafts." Biofluid Mechanics: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium. July 16‑19, 1994, Munich, (D. Liepsch, ed.) Vol 17, No. 107, 497‑507, VDI‑Verlag, Dusseldorf, 1994.
Henry, F.S., Xu, X.Y., Collins, M.W., Jones, C.J.H., Griffith, T.M., and Tardy, Y. "Predictions of Wall Shear Stress with Application to Atherosclerosis and EDRF Release," Clinical Hemorheology, Vol. 14, No. 3, 430, 1994.
Henry, F.S. and Collins, M.W. "Numerical Predictions of Post‑stenotic Flow using a Compliant Artery Model," Proc. Int. Conference on Biomedical Engineering BME'94, Hong Kong, Biomedical Division‑ The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, 22‑25, 1994.
Iudicello, F., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., Shortland, A., Jarvis, J.C., Black, R.A., and Salmons, S. "Flow Structures Predicted in Model Skeletal Muscle Ventricles," Proc. Int. Conference on Biomedical Engineering BME'94, Hong Kong, Biomedical Division‑ The Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, 13‑16, 1994.
Henry, F.S., Butler, J.P., and Tsuda, A., "Acinar Fluid Mechanics in Alveolar Expansion and Contraction," Fed. Proc. Vol. 8, No. 5, 4005, 1994.
Henry, F.S. and Collins, M.W. "Computations of Flow Distal of Axisymmetric and Asymmetric Stenoses," 1993 Advances in Bioengineering, J.M. Tarbell, ed., BED‑Vol 26, 87‑90, ASME, 1993.
Henry, F.S. and Collins, M.W. "A Novel Predictive Model with Compliance for Arterial Flows," 1993 Advances in Bioengineering, J.M. Tarbell, ed., BED‑Vol 26, 131‑135, ASME, 1993.
Henry, F.S. and Collins, M.W. "Prediction of Transient Wall Movement of an Incompressible Elastic Tube using a Finite Volume Procedure," Computational Biomedicine, K.D. Held, C.A. Brebbia, R.D. Ciskowski, and H. Power eds., 165-172, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, 1993.
Iudicello, F., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., Shortland, A., Jarvis, J.C., Black, R.A., and Salmons, S. "Numerical Simulation of the Flow in Model Skeletal Muscle Ventricles," Proc. Computers in Cardiology 1993, Imperial College, London, Sep. 5‑8, 377‑380, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993.
Shortland, A., Iudicello, F., Black, R.A., Jarvis, J.C., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., and Salmons, S. "Physical and Numerical Simulation of Blood Flow within a Skeletal Muscle Ventricle," Proc. World Symposium on Cardiomyoplasty and Biomechanical Assist, Paris, May 24‑26, 1993.
Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., and How, T.V., "Numerical Analysis of the Flow in an End‑to‑side Bypass Anastomosis," 1992 Advances in Bioengineering, M.W. Bidez, ed., BED‑Vol 22, 227‑228, ASME, 1992.
Henry, F.S., Jalili, V., Collins, M.W., Jarvis, J.C., Black, R.A., Shortland, A., and Salmons, S. "Numerical Modelling of the Flow in Skeletal Muscle Ventricles: A Preliminary Study," 1992 Advances in Bioengineering, M.W. Bidez, ed., BED‑Vol 22, 223‑225, ASME, 1992.
Stasiek, J., Zhang, X., Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., "Surface Heat Transfer Investigation Using Thermochromic Liquid Crystal. Part II: Application to complex geometries and comparison with computational predictions," in Proc. Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow, City University, London, April 2‑3, 1992.
Henry, F.S., Collins, M.W., and Ciofalo, M., "Prediction of Swirling Flow in a Corrugated Channel," in Proc. 2nd International Conference on Applications of Supercomputers in Engineering, Boston, MA, August 13‑15, 1991.
Henry, F.S., and Collins, M.W., "Prediction of Flow over Helically Ribbed Surfaces," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 13, 321‑340, 1991.
Ciofalo, M., Collins, M.W., and Henry, F.S., "Laminar and Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer in Crossed Corrugated Heat Exchangers," in Proc. 7th International Conference on Numerical Methods for Thermal Problems, Stanford, CA, July 8‑12, 1991.
Collins, M.W., and Henry, F.S., "Swirling Flow and Heat Transfer over AGR Fuel Elements using the FLOW3D Code," in Proc. Anglo‑Soviet Seminar on Heat Transfer Modelling, University of Manchester, April 5‑6, 1990.
Henry, F.S., and Collins, M.W., "Prediction of Heat Transfer from Helically Ribbed Surfaces, “in Proc. of the First International Conference on Advanced Computational Methods in Heat Transfer, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, July 17‑19, 1990.
Henry, F.S., and Collins, M.W., "Prediction of Swirling Flow in an Annular Channel," in Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Laminar and Turbulent Flow, Swansea, July 11‑15, 1989.
Tousi, S., Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "Simulation of Electrically Enhanced Fibrous Filtration," Recent Advances in Engineering Science, Vol. 39, Ch. 27, 157‑169, Koh, S.L. and Speziale, C.G., eds., 1989.
Volk, B., and Henry, F.S., "Analysis of Transient Flow in Vertical Tubes for Calculation of Pressure Equalization Times," Baker Oil Tools Report, 1988.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "Numerical Modeling of Electrically Enhanced Fibrous Filtration," Fluid Filtration: Gas, Vol. I, ASTM STP 975, R.R. Raber, ed., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Oct. 20‑22, 1986.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "Numerical Calculation of Particle Collection in Electrically Enhanced Fibrous Filters," Particulate Science and Technology, an International Journal, Vol. 4, No. 4, 455‑477, 1986.
Henry, F.S., Ahlert, R.C., Peskin, R.L., and Vichnevetsky, R., "A Numerical Model of Pollution Transport in Estuaries," American Water Resources Association Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 6, 833‑839, 1984.
Henry, F.S., Ahlert, R.C., Peskin, R.L., and Vichnevetsky, R., "A Numerical Estuarine Flow Model," American Water Resources Association Bulletin, Vol. 20, No. 6, 823‑831, 1984.
Henry, F.S., and Reynolds, A.J., "An Analytical Solution to Two Gradient Diffusion Models of Turbulence," ASME J. of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 106, No. 2, 211‑216, 1984.
Ariman, T., and Henry, F.S., "Electrostatically Enhanced Fibrous Filtration of Particulates," Proc. International Symposium on Electrical and Magnetic Separation and Filtration Technology, Antwerp, Belgium, May 23‑25, 1984.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "An Evaluation of the Kuwabara Model," Particulate Science and Technology, an International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1‑20, 1983.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "An Improved Staggered Array Model of a Fibrous Filter with Electrical Enhancement," Proc. International Symposium on Recent Advances in Particulate Science and Technology, Madras, India, December, 1982.
Henry, F.S., El Telbany, M.M.M., and Reynolds, A.J., "Application of the k‑epsilon Model to Turbulent Channel Flows," Brunel University Report FM81, 1981
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "A Staggered Array Model of a Fibrous Filter with Electrical Enhancement," Proc. Third Symposium on the Transfer and Utilization of Particulate Control Technology: Volume III. Particulate Control Devices, Orlando, FL, March 9‑13, 1981. Also in Particulate Science and Technology, An International Journal, Vol. 1, No. 2, 139‑154, 1983.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "A Numerical Study of the Kuwabara Model," Proc. International Symposium on Powder Technology '81, Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 27‑Oct. 1, 1981.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "The Effect of Neighboring Fibers on the Electric Field in a Fibrous Filter," Journal of Aerosol Science, Vol. 12, 137‑149, 1981.
Henry, F.S., and Ariman, T., "A Cell Model of Aerosol Collection by Fibrous Filters in an Electrostatic Field," Proc. ASME Symposium on Polyphase Flow and Transport Technology, San Francisco, California, Aug. 13‑15, 1980. Also in the Journal of Aerosol Sciences, Vol. 12, 91‑ 103, 1981.
Henry, F.S., Vichnevetsky, R., Ahlert, R.C., and Peskin, R.L., "A Quasi Two‑Dimensional Model of Estuarine Flow," Proc. International Symposium on Computational Methods, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, June 20‑22, 1979.
Professional Experience and Memberships
- Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
- Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society
- Chartered Engineer