Farrukh Fattoyev
Associate Professor, Physics
Ph.D., Florida State University (2011)
M.Sc., University of Trieste and Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (2007)
M.Sc., National University of Uzbekistan (2004)
B.Sc., Samarkand State University (2002)
Courses Taught
- OPPR 004: Oppr-Introduction To Physics
- PHYS 101: Physics I
- PHYS 102: Physics II
- PHYS 191: Physics I Lab
- PHYS 192: Physics II Lab
- PHYS 341: Topics in Astrophysics
- PHYS 445: Research Project in Physics
- PHYS 450: Seminar
- PHYS 499: Independent Study
- SCI 201: Introduction Astronomy
- SCI 201: Introduction Astronomy
- SCI 201: Introduction Astronomy