Brother Daniel has served Manhattan College in both academic and administrative capacities. During his tenure at Manhattan, he served as an adjunct instructor of Religious Studies, in the Camino Program, and in pre-health classes in the School of Science. He served as the academic advisor for Graduate School and Fellowship students. Brother Daniel came to the College as an Assistant Director of Admissions in 2016 and later served as the Interim President and as the Executive Director of Mission and Campus Ministry. He is currently a Visiting Instructor in Religious Studies.
Br. Daniel spent the previous decade before Manhattan College as a school principal, first at Resurrection School in New York City and later at St. Raymond High School for Boys in the Bronx. Earlier in his career, he taught English and Religious Studies at the Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, New Jersey, before becoming Associate Principal of the school.
A native of Buffalo, New York, Brother Daniel earned his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature magna cum laude from La Salle University. He went on to earn a Master of Arts in Theology and Pastoral Studies, also from La Salle University. He is currently a Doctor of Ministry candidate at The Catholic University of America. Brother Daniel has also received an Advanced Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Fordham University, and a professional diploma in administration from Manhattan College. He studied for his novitiate as a De La Salle Christian Brother in Skaneateles, New York, and completed his scholasticate at La Salle University in Philadelphia.
He holds membership in a number of professional organizations, including the American Academy of Religion, the College Theology Society, and Spiritual Directors International.
Brother Daniel’s commitment to the wider community is evident through his service and leadership at several educational institutions. He has served on the Board of Trustees of Aquinas High School, St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute in Buffalo, New York, and Saint Gabriel’s School in the Bronx, among others. He currently serves on the Boards of Trustees at LaSalle University in Philadelphia and the Nativity Miguel Middle School in Buffalo.