Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
- "Cross-Sectional Return Predictability in Taiwan Stock Exchange: An Empirical Investigation” with Nusret Cakici and Kudret Topyan. 2014. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 17, 2, 1-44.
- “Financial Constraint and the Choice between Leasing and Debt” with J.R. Lin, D.W. Chou and F.C. Chueh. 2013. International Review of Economics and Finance 27,171-182.
- “Board Size and Firm Risk Taking”. 2012. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 38, 519-542.
- “Corporate Governance and Risk of Default” with J.R. Lin. 2010. International Review of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Volume 2, Number 3, 1-27.
- “The Instrumental Variable Approach to Correct for Endogeneity in Finance”. 2010. Handbook of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management, Volume 3, 1357-1370, Springer.
- “Founders versus Non-Founders in Large Companies: Financial Incentives and the Call for Regulation” with Darius Palia and S. Abraham Ravid. 2008. Journal of Regulatory Economics 33, 55-86.
Conference Proceedings:
“Relative Pay for Relative Performance” (with Ivan Brick and Darius Palia), City University of Hong Kong International Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Markets, June 4-5, 2013, Hong Kong
“Choosing between Leasing and Debt and Leasing Puzzle Revisited” (with J.R. Lin, D.W. Chou and F.C. Chueh), Southern Finance Association 2010 Meetings.
- “Simultaneous Estimation of CEO Compensation, Leverage and Board Characteristics on Firm Value” (with Ivan Brick and Darius Palia), American Finance Association 2006 Meetings.
Book Review:
- “Managed by The Markets: How Finance Re-shapedAmerica, G.F. Davis”OxfordUniversityPress, 2011. The Journal of Socio-Economics 40, 711–712.