Bruce Liby

Professor, Physics


  • PHD, University of New Mexico
  • MS, Adelphi University
  • BA, Adelphi University

Courses Taught

PHYS 101      Physics I
PHYS 250      Optics
PHYS 253      Optics Lab II
PHYS 314      Electromagnetic Waves
PHYS 354      Research Project
PHYS 441      Senior Thesis
PHYS 453      Experimental Physics I
PHYS 454      Experimental Physics II
SCI 205      Lasers, Light, and Optical Devices
SCI 210      Introductory Oceanography
SCI 242      Fundamentals of Physical Science

  • Research

    These are my current research interests:

    • Characterization of the optical properties of thermally loaded materials
    • Physics Education
    • Perceptual Physics
  • Publications and Scholarly Activities

    “Visual Estimation of Three- and Four-Body Center of Mass” B. W. Liby and J. Friedenberg, Perceptual and Motor Skills 110(1), pp 195 – 212 (2010).

    "What Do Students Perceive During a Lesson on Center-of-mass?" B. Liby, J. Friedenberg, and S. Yancopoulos, The Journal of STEM Education 10(1) pp 17 – 24 (2009).

    “Using a Michelson Interferometer to Measure the Coefficient of Expansion of Copper,” R. Scholl and B. Liby, The Physics Teacher, 47, pp306 – 3-8 (2009).

    “Perceiving the Center of Three-Body Displays: the Role of Size Ratio, Symmetry, Elongation, and Gravity,” J. Friedenberg and B. Liby, The Open Behavioral Science Journal, 2(10) pp 13-22 (2008).

    All of the above research has been done with students.