Bridget Chalk

Associate Provost, English

Courses Taught

English 110: College Writing

English 211: Written Communication

English 150: Roots of the Modern Age: Literature, Empire, Race

English 265: The Contemporary Global Novel

English 306: Introduction to Literary Study

English 310: British Literature II: The Romantics to the Present

English 346: Twentieth-Century Irish Literature

English 347: Literature and War

English 348: Postcolonial Literature

English 364: The Modern English Novel

English 399: Independent Study: James Joyce's Ulysses

  • Research

    Twentieth- and twenty-first century British literature and culture; modernism; colonial and post-colonial studies; history and theory of the novel; nationalism and cosmopolitanism; literary and critical theory; women and gender studies.

  • Publications and Scholarly Activities


    Novel Schooling: Education, Formation, and Reading in Fiction. Palgrave MacMillan, 2024.

    Modernism and Mobility: The Passport and Cosmopolitan Experience. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.(Reviewed in Modernism/Modernity, Modern Fiction Studies, Journal of British Studies, Transfers, and JML: The Journal of Modern Literature)


    "Novel Lessons in NW." Studies in the Novel 56.2 (2024)

    "'In Order to Learn Not to Know'": D.H. Lawrence, Educational Critique, and The Rainbow." The D.H. Lawrence Review 45.1-2 (2023) 

    "Jean Rhys and Contemporary African Fiction." MLA Options for Teaching Modernist Women's Writing. Ed. Janine Utell. Publications of the Modern Language Association, 2021.

    "John Middleton Murry and Ethical (Anti)Modernism." Modernism/Modernity Print Plus 4.2 (2019).

    "The 1980s: Key Figures and Contexts." The Cambridge Companion to British Fiction,1980-the present. Ed. Peter Boxall. Cambridge UP, 2019.

    "The Semi-Public Sphere, Maternity and Regression in Rhys and Mansfield." LIT: Literature Interpretation Theory 28:3 (2017), 217-237.

    "John Middleton Murry." A Critical Biographical Essay. British Writers Supplement XXIII. Ed. Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson-Gale, 2016.

    "Kay Boyle." A Critical Biographical Essay. American Writers Supplement XXIV. Ed. Jay Parini. Farmington Hills, MI: Thomson-Gale, 2013.

    “'Sensible of Being Etrangers’: Plots and Identity Papers in Banjo.” Twentieth-Century Literature 55.3 (Fall 2009): 357-377.

    “‘I Am Not England’: Narrative and National Identity in Aaron’s Rod and Sea and  Sardinia.” JML: The Journal of Modern Literature 31.4 (Summer 2008): 54-70.

    Reviews and Miscellany

    Review of Elizabeth Evans, Threshold Modernism. The Journal of the Society for the Space Between, 1914-1918. (2021)

    Review of Allan Hepburn, ed., Around 1945: Literature, Citizenship, Rights. Journal of British Studies 56.1 (January 2017): 199-201.

    Review of Peter Boxall, The Value of the Novel. Studies in the Novel 48.3 (Fall 2016): 384-85.

    "Alain Locke." Encyclopedia Entry for Routledge Encyclopedia of Modernism (2015).

    Review of David Ellis, Death and the Author: How D.H. Lawrence Died, and was Remembered. Journal of British Studies 48.4 (October 2009): 1041-1042.