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Military & Veteran Programs

Manhattan College is proud to participate in several national programs that give educational benefits to our military and veterans. Most of the information on eligibility, award amounts, and application process will be found on each organization’s website, but we have provided some answers to get you started below.

If you have additional questions about military and veteran benefits for Manhattan College, our VA certifying official is Denise Scalzo. She can be reached at

Yellow Ribbon Program

Manhattan College participates in the Veteran's Affairs Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program (Yellow Ribbon Program) to assist with funding tuition expenses for military veterans. This tuition-benefit program includes both undergraduate and graduate study and either full- or part-time enrollment. Military dependents may also be eligible for this program. 

Visit the Financial Aid Administration website for more information about eligibility and how to apply for the Yellow Ribbon Program.

Veterans Tuition Awards

New York State residents may be eligible for the Veterans Tuition Awards (VTA) program. VTA is available for eligible veterans engaged in full-study or part-time study at Manhattan College. Contact your VA representative or visit the HESC website for more information.